Buy an alarm!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2005
Charlotte, missing Boone
the jeep just got cleaned out last night, parked outside my girlfriend's house in Park Crossing (not the ghetto) in Charlotte. so i just wanted to put a warning out to all the Charlotte people with anything of value in their vehicle. car break-ins have been high in Charlotte recently so i happened to take my CDs out but head units, subs and anything that can be sold are NOT SAFE. i locked the Jeep but that didnt matter, so i would suggest investing an an alarm if you dont have one already. i was parked out front for an hour and a half and lost over $1500 in equipment. they left 2 golf bags full of clubs and all my 4wheeling accessories so they are just worried about electronics.
lock it up,
yah, we had a 350z broken into in that neighborhood and all they took was a ps2 sitting in the backseats and all the change from the change drawer, oh and the drawer itself (which is 80 bucks from factory). It sucks cause its a hella nice neighborhood but there are stupid people around it i guess.
Those with audio components visible from the outside that don't take any additional measures are just asking for it... Especially those that run around with the stereo cranked through neighborhoods, shopping centers, etc. with recognizable vehicles.

Not saying this is you, and having had my car in H.S. broken into multiple times, I know it sucks, but attracting attention goes both ways..

Sorry to hear about it.

Did they unplug the wiring from the dash, or cut the OEM wiring? Hopefully the former, not the latter.
i will give them credit, it was very professionally done, there was not a single cut wire that i can see, the only damage (other than the stolen stuff) was to the lock on the driver's side door. and just for the record, im not a big fan of stero blasting, i just like good sound quality and these cherokee speakers (even the aftermarkets) lack deep sounds. i know you werent referring directly to me, i was just trying to set the record straight.
JL AUDIO STEALTH BOXES!!, These things are nearly impossible to visually detect once installed. If ya need your equipment replaced let me know, I manage a small shop in Mt. Airy, I could hook ya up. Sorry about the bad luck.
I'm to the point now where I don't even lock my doors on my vehicles. I damn sure don't invest in stereo stuff...had plenty of experience with my buddies getting ripped left and right. And they would put 1000's of $$'s into a stereo only to have it jacked in their own driveways on NICE subdivisions

I'd rather just replace a so-so stereo/cd's than fix a window/door lock and half the dash too :mad:

PLUS I don't ever leave anything in a vehicle that I don't expect to find gone the next day

It sux you can't have anything, but coulda been worse. Coulda got car-jacked and lost it all!
BIG_G1118 said:
,i will give them credit, it was very professionally done, there was not a single cut wire that i can see

That's cause even crackheads know you can sell/pawn a stereo for a double the price if the wiring ain't jacked up! :D

After years of installing audio equipment & having it stolen... I gave up. OTOH, I've got 25%-35% hearing loss from what I did have! :(
Sad part is, when alarms first started comming out on cars I heard one and thought, wonder what's getting stolen, and look around for where it was comming from. Now days, I think to myself, I wish they would cut the stupid thing off.
well its i know first hand he doesnt play it loud. his tint is dark enough that u cant just look in and say "hey theres a tv, sub, and amp" im just happy they didnt bust out the windows. o yeah best part bout all this is the cops didnt even come out 2 write up a report, he left that part out
GMAC said:
well its i know first hand he doesnt play it loud. his tint is dark enough that u cant just look in and say "hey theres a tv, sub, and amp" im just happy they didnt bust out the windows. o yeah best part bout all this is the cops didnt even come out 2 write up a report, he left that part out
Nope, they never do. When my truck was stolen out of the Univ Hospital employee lot, I had to call in a report to the PD. Total waste of time. Sad part was, this was an '89 2wd POS chevy. I ended up getting it back 5 weeks later. They found it on Beatties Ford in the ghetto part, sans stereo. The idiots stole a 16 year old truck (at the time) for a 10 year old head unit, amp and sub! The retards even left an almost full tank of gas in it when it was left, and it has a 39 gallon tank!!!!
glad to hear you got it back, 40 gallons of gas, you could BUY a head unit for what that costs now! i think the theives know that there is absolutely no follow up with these kids of things and if they get away before you come outside, they are home free. i understand there are other things police need to handle, but the "no follow-up" clause is frustrating when it's your vehicle that was broken into.
GG least i didnt have to buy a new window and tint it again