Can you believe he got convicted! (Mods don’t change it this time)

Say "peanuts breath" five times fast.

So my wife says peanuts like ‘peenitz’…with a very soft ‘t’. The first time I went with her and her family to visit her grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins in Florida…we had a similar conversation to this thread. There I am with her entire family for their Christmas and my wife (then pretty new girlfriend) is just going on and on about how she loves penis…she could eat penis all day. My ego couldn’t have gotten any bigger, but did think it was a very weird conversation to have with your family. It wasn’t until she got to the part about loving slimy salty penis, did her uncle ask what dahell was I doing with his niece. Then my wife speaks up and says, oh cmon Harry (last name is Johnson for added comedy)…you know you like slimy penis too, you get them every time you go to the beach…then everyone started side eyeing him, and he realized salty slimy penis, were in fact steamed peanuts…and that’s the story of why my wife isn’t allowed to engage legume conversations anymore.
Cookie Butter FTW!!!

I prefer Peter pan creamy though.
So cookie butter is a unanimous yes in my house :laughing:
A slice of bread with a hearty helping of cookie butter and folded in half is a favorite at our house.
A slice of bread with a hearty helping of cookie butter and folded in half is a favorite at our house.
Fo sho! First time my wife brought it home I was like “where has this been my whole life” (this fat boy certainly ot approves)
I'm a creamy Jif guy, I used to do the Peter pan, but when I had a jar of the recalled stuff, got me to thinking. But before, I was a store brand guy, IMO it tastes about the same, but, it was so thick and stiff, it rolled my bread up trying to spread it, and seems all store brands are the same consistency,
@BigClay you meant this Hillary right?