Can't Always Judge a Book by It's Cover


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Today I'm at the landfill with a load of brush on my trailer and had to unload by hand because dump truck bed was full and...whatever. I back in and a guy is in a truck and it's a company that I kind of know the owner and the guy is just sitting in the truck. Thought he may be having trouble for a moment but I just kept to untieing my tarp so I could unload. Guy is still sitting in truck and I start thinking, this is why I hate employees, this guy is wasting time on the clock, I should call the guy who owns the company and let him know...but I continue with my work. The guy finally dumps his load and gets out and comes over with gloves to help me unload my trailer full of brush! Oh man did I feel like an ass for what I was thinking. He tells me he was having trouble getting the dump to work and was going to ask me but didn't want to bother me...Geez!
He was still wasting time on the clock helping you. Just sayin:D
I about always help elderly folks and a lone person trying to unload a couch or such. One day I went to help an old man struggling to carry a bundle of shingles to the construction dumpster. He had about 8 bundles of nice dimensional in the wrapper and I said I'll take them. As I loaded my truck he said he had more @ his house I could have. I followed him home and he had a bunch more stacked in his garage, I got enough to re roof my shed and lean to w a few square left over! He said he bought them so he could repair the roof if a tree fell on it, but some years later he had the trees cut down.
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