Caught a guy scoping out the neighborhood.... what’s the deal on wireless cameras


Feb 15, 2013
Clyde, North Carolina
Pulled in after being gone all weekend to a car in my driveway and a dude at the edge of the road between my house and the neighbors. He gave me a bull shit story about looking for a house to buy something but didn’t know the address. If I wasn’t so tired I would have thought to block him in... he wanted to leave pretty quick when I got out of the truck with the pistol. Waiting on the cops now to make a report, stupid me didn’t get a tag number either.

Anyways what are the brands to look into for wireless cameras for outside. They will be covered by a large over hang but still outside. Looking for 3 camera system.

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There was a thread back in March about wireless security cameras.

Had some very good ideas in it. You should check it out.

We have the Arlo Pro with cellular service.

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There was a thread back in March about wireless security cameras.

Had some very good ideas in it. You should check it out.

We have the Arlo Pro with cellular service.

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I remember that now. I’ll look back at it tomorrow at work. I’m wanting something that works off WiFi, ( I know not perfect because it can go down) but I live in middle of town and I don’t have any kind of cellular service my work pays for the phone

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I've got Arlo Pro2 HDs and a couple Wyze cams. I love the Arlos because they are completely wireless and weatherproof. I love the Wyze came because they are cheap and have great video vquality and motion tagging. Both are supposed to be 1080p, but the Wyze cam is definitely better. Both of my Wyze cams are under an overhang, so not completely out of the weather, but somewhat protected. Arlo interface is better, but both are good.
I've got Arlo Pro2 HDs and a couple Wyze cams. I love the Arlos because they are completely wireless and weatherproof. I love the Wyze came because they are cheap and have great video vquality and motion tagging. Both are supposed to be 1080p, but the Wyze cam is definitely better. Both of my Wyze cams are under an overhang, so not completely out of the weather, but somewhat protected. Arlo interface is better, but both are good.
Whats the battery life like? How often do they have to be recharged? Totally wireless is super convenient, but recharging them seems like it would be worse in the long run.
Whats the battery life like? How often do they have to be recharged? Totally wireless is super convenient, but recharging them seems like it would be worse in the long run.
Initially I had the original Arlos with alkaline batteries, and I'd get 1-3 months out of the batteries (busier areas use more battery). The Pro2s have rechargeable batteries that last about 3-4 weeks. The life of alkalines is about twice as long, but they ain't cheap and you have to keep em in stock. Not sure how long the rechargeables take to charge, I just plug em in (USB type A) overnight and they are good to go in the morning.
Hey you told me you already had them. That's the only reason I haven't egged your house.
Pssst - the cameras don't actually stop you from doing anything.
Perfect timing for me to swoop in and pin it on someone else. :D
I hope you're skinny and like 7 feet tall. Otherwise Michael's hard to imitate. I recall him being like a Slenderman with a southern drawl.
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OMG Logan this is serious. I didn't think to mention it the other day but I believe the stranger may have vandalized your boat.




Was he of Chinese descent? That earlier case on your Jeep may be solved. You may have come face to face with the culprit and you were completely unaware.
Initially I had the original Arlos with alkaline batteries, and I'd get 1-3 months out of the batteries (busier areas use more battery). The Pro2s have rechargeable batteries that last about 3-4 weeks. The life of alkalines is about twice as long, but they ain't cheap and you have to keep em in stock. Not sure how long the rechargeables take to charge, I just plug em in (USB type A) overnight and they are good to go in the morning.
We have the solar charger plugged into our Arlo pro 2 and it's been 5 months and the battery is never gone below 75% charge.

I highly recommend that solar charger.

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We have the solar charger plugged into our Arlo pro 2 and it's been 5 months and the battery is never gone below 75% charge.

I highly recommend that solar charger.

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Good to know. 2 of my 3 are in the shade 95% of the day, but that still might give me a few months between charges. The other is 4ft from a receptacle, but I'm too lazy to find and route a cord :D