If im workin I carry a Bersa 380 thunder CC with hp's,its smaller,easy to carry or put in your pocket.For home defense or when Im not working I bought a older,nib S&W 411,40 cal.Bigger frame gun,but Im a big guy so it carries pretty good.I also have a Ruger SR9 that carries nice and feels good to shoot but rarely carry it due to not wanting it to get skinned up(centimental value).I bought my wife a Charter Arms 38 revolver for home defense.Im not much on revolvers but its pretty much foolproof and if somebodies comin in on her foolproof is what I want.Rock Island Armory has some nice 1911 frame 9's and 45's,dont know much about em but they "appear" to be of pretty good quality,feel/look good,and are reasonably priced.