CCW/Home Defense/Plinking

Im not fond of weapons with a laser. The laser works both ways. It tells the bad guy where the good guy with the gun is. You go shining a laser around your house at night, you will have a red light (or green) right in front of your chest.
I too looked for this compromise for a long time. It just does not exist...unless youre just a big dude. I know a few people that EDC 1911 platform guns but they are all taller or bigger guys. My EDC used to be a XD9 Service until work attire changed and I couldnt just rock a hoodie and jeans or a tshirt every day.

For me: EDC - Taurus TCP .380 loaded with Hornady Critical Defense. Serial # starts with a D so it doesnt have the issues common with the A-C series pistols. My home defense/plinking gun is still the XD9 Service. Shoot some matches with it from time to time, carrys well in the winter months and it too is loaded with Hornady Critical Defense. Otherwise it cycles whatever I put through it and never bats an eye. Some day I will add a .45 or some larger caliber gun to use for home defense, but just can't justify something I do not shoot on a regular basis or to just add another caliber to the mix.

Because I am a bit of a Springfield fanboy I would vote the XDS is your compromise between everything youre looking for and then just buy a couple hundred rounds and practice practice practice.
Springfield XDS is in a recall right now, random discharge & multiple discharge. I am at work & cannot post a link or I would.
Im not fond of weapons with a laser. The laser works both ways. It tells the bad guy where the good guy with the gun is. You go shining a laser around your house at night, you will have a red light (or green) right in front of your chest.
I like the option to have it. I think if it came down to it and someone was in my house and I could get into a dark corner at night, I think the laser would be very helpful to just get an idea of where I am shooting the person. if it was a very quick type of I am just pointing and emptying the mag.
I saw this and the guy at Gander told me as well...but is it all XDS or certain ones? like certain serial numbers?
there is a S/N brake
This Safety Recall applies only to:
Springfield 3.3 XD-S™ 9mm pistols - serial numbers between XS900000 and XS938700
Springfield 3.3 XD-S™ .45ACP pistols - serial numbers between XS500000 and XS686300.
Some day I will add a .45 or some larger caliber gun to use for home defense, but just can't justify something I do not shoot on a regular basis or to just add another caliber to the mix.

That's something I was wondering. Those that buy higher caliber guns, if you don't shoot them often because the ammo is more expensive, wouldn't you think you wouldn't be as good of a shot with it because you are out of practice with the feel of that particular gun? I guess to me I'd practice with the gun you are planning on using when the time comes. A miss with a higher caliber gun is still a miss.
That's something I was wondering. Those that buy higher caliber guns, if you don't shoot them often because the ammo is more expensive, wouldn't you think you wouldn't be as good of a shot with it because you are out of practice with the feel of that particular gun? I guess to me I'd practice with the gun you are planning on using when the time comes. A miss with a higher caliber gun is still a miss.

i reload & shoot 45 acp all the time (around 150 rounds a week) cost me around $130 for 1000 rounds so that is $.13 a shoot
22 lr is around $.09 or more a round
That's something I was wondering. Those that buy higher caliber guns, if you don't shoot them often because the ammo is more expensive, wouldn't you think you wouldn't be as good of a shot with it because you are out of practice with the feel of that particular gun? I guess to me I'd practice with the gun you are planning on using when the time comes. A miss with a higher caliber gun is still a miss.

Disclaimer: I grew up around guns and probably shot my first pistol sometime around age 6.

That said, Ive never been much of hobby shooter, or went to the range and empty a couple boxes guy. If anything we go in the backyard and staple some paper to trees etc. BUUUUUUT....Id wager my life I can hit a body size target in my home, in the dark, first shot with darn near any modern pistol you pu in my hands...and thats not even really using sights, thats point and aim.

That said for home defense I have a 10ga within hands reach of my bed. I just have to get in the general area and the job is done :D
That said for home defense I have a 10ga within hands reach of my bed. I just have to get in the general area and the job is done :D

You and many others I know. God forbid the moment that you have to defend yourself in your own home, the ol shotgun is a very good option. Its only drawback is how much room it takes to draw one up in tighter spaces. Not to mention its easier to spackle a few pellet holes that breeze by the offending target vs having a bullet that can travel through a few layers of drywall.
DO NOT BUY A GUN. I bought a kahr 40 cw during he scare because they where going to take our guns. Then I bought a nice .22 rifle to plink with. Then a taurus pt-22 so I would burn up a bunch of .40 target shooting. Now I am on arms list every 5 minutes I need more guns and ammo. Anyone got a Circuit Judge they want to part with?
If im workin I carry a Bersa 380 thunder CC with hp's,its smaller,easy to carry or put in your pocket.For home defense or when Im not working I bought a older,nib S&W 411,40 cal.Bigger frame gun,but Im a big guy so it carries pretty good.I also have a Ruger SR9 that carries nice and feels good to shoot but rarely carry it due to not wanting it to get skinned up(centimental value).I bought my wife a Charter Arms 38 revolver for home defense.Im not much on revolvers but its pretty much foolproof and if somebodies comin in on her foolproof is what I want.Rock Island Armory has some nice 1911 frame 9's and 45's,dont know much about em but they "appear" to be of pretty good quality,feel/look good,and are reasonably priced.
Dad has the Taurus 1911 9mm. No problems so far. One of the best decisions on buyin a gun is research. Plenty of reviews online. And if someone offers you a chance to shoot something you are interested in, go for it. I have found that a lot of small time shops will be honest with you on the guns they sell.
I dont own one, but have shot the SR9. It definitely has a good feel. 9mm is capable of taking down a threat. And low recoil and price helps when you are out plinking.
I'll tell you the same things I was told:
  • Go to a large shop or show to pick-up & handle every handgun that interests you... I fondled every 9mm on the market years ago
  • Narrow it down to a dozen, find a range with a decent rental fleet and shoot as many of them as possible (most will let you "swap" if you tell them what you're doing)
  • Narrow that down to 3 and go back for a more in-depth session, break them down/reassemble, & decide from there...
I *REALLY wanted* an XD9, but didn't shoot it worth a fiddle. :(
Next was the defacto G19, but same thing (has something to do with grip angle?).
Last on my list was the M&P9, which felt great and shot well.
Found one lightly used locally (private party) a week later and have been happy since. Mom liked it so much, she got an M&P9C :D
Gonna pick up my Sccy CPX-2 9mm today after work. Gonna also get a Mossberg 500...local place has got one for $350 brand new. Also has an LCP for $285...gonna be an expensive Chirstmas...
Check pawnshops/facebook/carolinashootersclub, 350 is not a good deal for a pump mossberg.
wow really? The one Ive seen was $400 and some odd dollars.
Never really priced mossbergs other than that one I've seen. $254 is good price...
Wasn't gonna get the mossberg today, but want to get one sooner than later.
I daily carry a KelTec .380. I have an 870 with an 18" barrel for home defense. If SHTF, I will grab the 870 and stick my 1911 in my belt and hand my wife the Ruger SR9 9mm to cover me.
Here it is. Just picked it up


Where is the rest of it?

Edit: Never Mind, a google search showed me there is no hammer. I was wondering about the hole on the back.
Nice little pistol. It feels really good in the hand. Bought some ammo yesterday as well. Should be going out and shooting this weekend.

Where is the best place to get the cheapest ammo? And by cheap, I mean price wise. one guy told me walmart.