charlston shooter caught

I'm hoping he's tried in South Carolina. We support death penalty which he flat out deserves!
I'm hoping he's tried in South Carolina. We support death penalty which he flat out deserves!

Nope.... if he's under the assumption that black people are "taking over" his country and that he needs to kill some to start a race war, put him in prison for the rest of his life. Let the thugs "take over" his anus on a regular basis. The true racist skinheads won't even sympathize because he "almost backed out". With them, you are either all in or not in at all.

He wants to be made a martyr for the cause.... don't give the prick the satisfaction.
Nope.... if he's under the assumption that black people are "taking over" his country and that he needs to kill some to start a race war, put him in prison for the rest of his life. Let the thugs "take over" his anus on a regular basis. The true racist skinheads won't even sympathize because he "almost backed out". With them, you are either all in or not in at all.

He wants to be made a martyr for the cause.... don't give the prick the satisfaction.

Did you notice in the arrest pics, the PoPo had a bullet proof vest on him?
Thats so we can make sure he makes it intact to prison, where there will be plenty of fun awaiting him.
Sorry I just have a problem with my tax dollars paying to lodge a pos like himself, or the majority of people in prison. :shaking:

There's torment and anguish far worse than what a prison could be.
Should have given a black cop a gun and let him end the entire drama.

%white trash
Should have given a black cop a gun and let him end the entire drama.

%white trash

Nope, tie his ass down to a pew and make him a permanent fixture in a black Baptist church.
Did you notice in the arrest pics, the PoPo had a bullet proof vest on him?
Thats so we can make sure he makes it intact to prison, where there will be plenty of fun awaiting him.
Put him in a Baltimore police van for an hour or two.

Or, better yet.... Chris Rock brings the logic: (wait for it)

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As a spin off to all this, groups/protesters from everywhere are using this tragedy as ammo to have the confederate flag removed from the South Carolina state House grounds.
Governor Haley along with State Republican Senators calling for its removal.
Writing is on the wall on this one.
The media is looking for anything to keep the attention on this. First they expected it to turn into riots like all the other white on black crimes have. I think it's an interesting point that no one has covered of questioned why there hasn't been an major rioting. I mean SC and Charleston are in the heart of former slave county. With Charleston being the largest port for slaves to be brought into the us and sold. You would think there would be more deep blooded hate for the white man there than anywhere else, but instead its bringing white, black and all races closer. I think that should throw race out of any reasoning to do what they've done in other cities. It's more of how you were raised not the color of your skin.