C'mon you apes, do you wanna READ forever?!

Just got my copies as well.

And there's an error on the back of the cover.:mad:

If your book cover ends with "Jed doesn't know, but he's always willing to shoot first and figure out the rest afterwards."... That line ain't supposed to be there. That's from the second book back cover that got mixed up somehow.

It's been fixed on future copies, but the publisher 'jumped the gun' by going to print before letting me proof read the formatting and cover work as they typically do. So some slipped through before they could re-upload the documents.

There's also an error at the very end, next to that magnificently handsome picture of me. On the page next to me is an 'About the Author' page and it's about a totally different guy. That's from the Kindle Version where one of his excerpts from a book of his was attached at the end. It's not there in the print version, so it looks weird. That's been fixed as well.

So, shame shame. Go figure the one time they don't let me look at it, I actually catch some errors.

But hey! Thanks for buying! I really hope you guys enjoy it, I'm working on the fourth novel now and I can't say anything else without hinting on stuff in the third that might disrupt the ending for you.

Also... LOOKIE!


I hit number 5 today on New Releases for Western Science Fiction. That's pretty badass and only possible thanks to your support.
Will order one on payday. Hope I get an error copy, just for kicks. Hurry up and send me number 4.
You guys are the best!

The reviews have been really good thus far. Except for that one guy who gave me a two star review. That guy sucks.

Let me know what you all think!
Well that was just delicious! I got my mom and stepdad to order the trilogy too. Now we'll all be staggering around with bloodshot eyes, and paper cuts waiting for our next fix.
Well that was just delicious! I got my mom and stepdad to order the trilogy too. Now we'll all be staggering around with bloodshot eyes, and paper cuts waiting for our next fix.
Yessss! Let me know what they think! I aim to please. :)

Maybe I can knock the fourth out by the end of the year? That'd be a nice goal!

Working title is 'Wrath in Prehistoric'. I don't know if that will stick yet... but it's the best I've come up with so far. There's going to be a lot of wrongs getting righted.

Speaking of wrongs being righted, just look at that little comma I put in after “eyes”. And I was going to volunteer to be a proof reader! :shaking:
Yessss! Let me know what they think! I aim to please. :)

Maybe I can knock the fourth out by the end of the year? That'd be a nice goal!

Working title is 'Wrath in Prehistoric'. I don't know if that will stick yet... but it's the best I've come up with so far. There's going to be a lot of wrongs getting righted.


C'mon, dont tempt me like that! I like the title though.
Somehow I missed a bunch of posts here.

@ncpartsguy - Book Four. Working on it! The second chapter in this book is my favorite of everything I've written. It's pretty much just 'murder everyone'.

@thebrotherinlaw - I'm so glad you folks loved it! I've only been out west twice, and once was to Bridgeport, California, so enh... not quite the same. But I tried to keep it 'wyoming'. :)

@Rox&Mud - Let me know what you think! By my count, you've had a week and a half to have finished it.

And as for bragging rights... LOOK! WALMART IS SELLING ONE OF MY BOOKS!


Not the first two in the series for some reason... but the third. Weird, but I'll stick a feather in my writer hat anyway!
Somehow I missed a bunch of posts here.

@ncpartsguy - Book Four. Working on it! The second chapter in this book is my favorite of everything I've written. It's pretty much just 'murder everyone'.

@thebrotherinlaw - I'm so glad you folks loved it! I've only been out west twice, and once was to Bridgeport, California, so enh... not quite the same. But I tried to keep it 'wyoming'. :)

@Rox&Mud - Let me know what you think! By my count, you've had a week and a half to have finished it.

And as for bragging rights... LOOK! WALMART IS SELLING ONE OF MY BOOKS!


Not the first two in the series for some reason... but the third. Weird, but I'll stick a feather in my writer hat anyway!

should be done reading it then! My only complaint was that none of them took more than 3 days to read and proofread!

Also, hurry up on number 4 lol. Im dying to know whats next.
Just finished up Taming Prehistoric last night... Kudos @Atla ! 🍻

Thank you, sir! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm in the office working on the fourth one now.

Well, as soon as I finish my 'View the Internet in 30 Minutes or Less' marathon run of FB, forums, the news, and emails. If I don't do that first and get it all out of the way, I'll never get anything written.

But I can't wait to get it to you guys. It's going to be lots of bloody fun.
Thank you, sir! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm in the office working on the fourth one now.

Well, as soon as I finish my 'View the Internet in 30 Minutes or Less' marathon run of FB, forums, the news, and emails. If I don't do that first and get it all out of the way, I'll never get anything written.

But I can't wait to get it to you guys. It's going to be lots of bloody fun.
Im not so patiently waiting. Yours is the first series Ive wanted to read in quite a while.
One of my best buddies finished the 3rd book last night on his beach trip and messaged me, "U Asshole" when he finished it.

Then he said it was the best one so far.

So I'm hoping that I'll continue to grow and get better as I write more.

But this book I'm working on now should turn out pretty epic. (I got up at 4am to work on it before my big boy job.)
I don’t know how I missed the third one coming out. Just grabbed it for my kindle and it’s next in line after I finish what I’m reading now. Only negative I can say about the first two is I wish they were longer so I could keep reading. Keep it up man!

I did the recording, and I made sure to do a shout out to both NC4x4 and Carolina Firearms Forum as being the main source of my success. :)

I think the Podcast is still getting their stuff together and are mainly just collecting interviews to get started... but the interview went well - about an hour long.

If you watch it, you'll get to see me eat steak with my bare hands, drink some beers, smoke some cigars, and shoot classic turn of the century firearms out the basement window. (or not)

It was a blast.

Matt James is a pretty cool dude, we talked guns, writing, movies, books, influences, and future plans.

I tend to write pretty well, but I speak like an idiot. And that's pretty obvious in the first ten seconds of the interview where I didn't realize I was supposed to be speaking after my introduction. (duh).

Anywho, it'll be out towards the end of Sept/beginning of Oct.