OK, This is not my problem but I sometimes get involved with things I shouldn't but I enjoy. I just finished up framing 8,000 SF of platforms for a Trampoline Park in Rock Hill. This is their 5th or 6th one but the first with a Zip Line. The Contractor that installed the zip line did minimal work and the owner wants to make it more efficient. Currently there is no way to retrieve the trolley after use. Essentially he has two staff members one at the start and another at the end to return it. He was asking for a solution for a return system that would only require a staff member at the start. It must be durable, no pinch points, preferably automatic, or minimal effort. He went and bought a fishing pole (LMAO) to try, it works as long as the trolley doesn't spin around the cable with it would do nearly every time. Obviously not a viable solution for the application.
Any Ideas, I know someone on here has a solution
Any Ideas, I know someone on here has a solution