Contact Lenses

I carry a bottle of wetting drops and a complete set of old contacts in my pocket every day.I get the soft contacts that are only good for like 2 weeks but wear them for a couple of months or more.I take them out most nights except when at a reenactment or a wheeling trip.

Story time....a small bottle of OTO drops (used to test for chlorine in water)and the re-wetting drops are identicle when fishing out of your pocket.Sittin at the pc one evening after work and my eyes went to bothering me so I non-chalantly reached in and grabbed a bottle without reading it.One drop and I screamed like a bitch,panic ran to the bathroom and snatched that lens out.Luckily after flushing,all was ok.
a dude at work claims he gets extra life out of his by wearing them backwards, says they feel the same. I never understood that, its pretty uncomfortable to me when I put them in backwards.
I've never understood this "wearing them backwards" thing.
The optics should be different if it was inverted. Not by much, but if your visio nwere that good it should be noticible.

Why don't they just put a big label right in the middle, "This side outward"???
I've never understood this "wearing them backwards" thing.
The optics should be different if it was inverted. Not by much, but if your visio nwere that good it should be noticible.
Why don't they just put a big label right in the middle, "This side outward"???

The soft lenses have a chamfer along the edges, and are easy to see once you know to look for it. IIRC, at least one version of the Acuvue did have a letter laser dotted near the edge so you could tell how it went in, I can't remember the details. My optometrist showed me.
they wern't backwards, just that I havent really used them much.

There actually is a marker on the lenses, it says 123. If you go to put the lenses in, and 123 isnt upside down, the lens is inside out.
and the first post drinking removal was a success...

I think I might be a natural at this. I can remove, and put in in less than a few seconds...and thats after just 2 days.
Something is not jiving with the title under your name in this sentence.:flipoff2:

I'm sure he meant drinking coffee.
If you have too much, the jitters and twitches make it hard not to poke yer eye out... :huggy: