Convince me I am right


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2005
So I heard GM is offering 0 percent on the HD trucks. I see that the 4x4 CC w/t and custom and some LTs can be had for 45K. My current 05 2500 has 226K on it and has asked for nothing but a water pump and knock sensors. Due to work is only saw 2500 miles last year, will be the same for this year. I say that making a payment on a truck I don't drive is just wanting something new after 16 years and to keep the old tow piggy. I have no bills other than camper payment.DO I toss money at the piggy when it wants it OR do I get ok money out of the piggy for a down payment on the new truck?


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I assume since your talking about the % rate your'e gonna finance?? If so,for me, its a no.Dont want any kind of payment.esp right now,but thats just me.Considering we haven't borrowed anything since 05 I probably could'nt get the money anyway.Fix problems as they happen,save up and pay cash.Yeah I know,I'm a buzzkill.
Just go buy yourself something for your current truck. Nice double din radio, tint the windows, LED light upgrades, something like that. Ain’t no way I could justify a truck payment with such a fine looking truck you got there.
Just go buy yourself something for your current truck. Nice double din radio, tint the windows, LED light upgrades, something like that. Ain’t no way I could justify a truck payment with such a fine looking truck you got there.
Or half a lift kit and some dope ass rims from rent a wheel.
Not as nice as yours Phillip,As cheap as 480le's are now maybe I should get one and put it in the garage just in case.
Take that $670/month you'd be paying, and put it into a savings account, or something else to gain a little interest. Keep it up like you're making your payments.
Then in 3 years when the current truck shits the bed, you'll have 25-30k on hand to do WTFever you want with for a new one.
I’d wait til the truck starts nickel and diming (dime-ing...idk) you before considering replacing. With the little bit of maintenance you’ve had to do thus far and use it gets, I’d rather save that monthly truck payment in the event that an extensive repair does need to be made....heck take @mbalbritton proposed monthly payment, cut it in half, set it aside for a rainy day in the event an unexpected repair needs to be done
I'm kinda in the same boat. Still driving my 06 F250. Been looking at new ones. This is the gas 5.4, and it's starting to sound more like a diesel from 10 feet away.

Hate to tie up 50k in something that I just put a couple of thousand miles a year on, and rarely take more than 100 miles from home. Hate to spend big money and drop in a new 5.4. Hate to spend bigger money and drop in a V10.

I've looked at slightly newer trucks with the 6.2...2011-2015-ish. The way prices are on used trucks right now, they are not too far from just ordering a new one.

Don't want or need much. Reg. cab, long bed, 4x4, power windows and cruise control. Everything else is optional.

total of 375k miles in 2 F250's since 1999....very, very few repairs. One ABS sensor, a few brake calipers is about it. This '06 has been good. Will it go another 5 years, or 5 yards....who knows?
How far away do you typically tow? Thats the only bad part about a higher mileage truck that doesn't get many miles per year. You end up finding the problems on your trips. At least thats my luck.

That said i jumped into a newer truck to get a bigger cab, but i have had more issues in 6k miles than i did in 120k miles driving my old truck.
i wouldnt go adding more debt right now. let things settle in politics.

you could spend $500 a month on your current ride redoing ball joints and suspension bushings, rebuild or dropping in a crate motorc replacing the interior and still spend way less than $45k and NOT go into debt.
I'm still driving my 02 HD with 320k on it. Aint no way I'd ever go buy a new one. They're uglier than a fart in church! You've still gotta pay (more for) insurance on it, put tires on it, put gas/fuel in it, change the oil, etc. The novelty of a new vehicle will wear off well before the payment does.

There's NOTHING on your truck that could fail that wouldn't be way less money than a new truck. 6.0 craps out? I can build a solid 400 hp replacement for 5-ish grand or pick up a good used one, ready to rock, for 1200 bucks. 4L80E gives up? A few grand. Rear end? There's one for sale on here for 500 bucks and a ride to Winston-Salem. That's less than one month's truck payment. There's eleventy bajillion of those trucks out there and parts are plentiful.

I've done a bunch of stuff to mine because I wanted to. I want to drop 6600 bucks on a well built transmission to hold 850-ish HP. I want/kinda need to tear it down for a headgasket job. Even if I built a good, solid motor for it to the tune of 15k, I'd still be in it less than the cost of a brand new CCSB, 4x4, diesel, that's loaded.

With all that could get a newer truck, but I'd NEVER buy brand new. It's never zero percent either. They're going to make their money. They've already figured in how much they want to make off of it. Zero percent is just a marketing ploy to make you feel better about diving head first in to a ridiculous amount of debt.

Convince me that I'm wrong :D
It truly depends on where you are in life. Many people are convinced that in order to have anything in life, they will perpetually have a car payment, and have accepted that.

Others, have paid off their vehicle and discovered: "Holy shit, I now have $600 a month MORE every month...that's friggin awesome"

My personal opinion: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Go ahead and make that $600 a month payment to yourself in a medium risk investment and watch it grow. Give it a while and buy that new(ish) truck with CASH. It's a feeling you just can't describe. And, you can be SO much more selective/picky/dickhead when you've GOT the cash to either buy it, or tell the salesman you wouldn't piss in their mouth for what they're offering you for your truck.

Financial freedom is one of the best feelings I've ever had. To owe no one for anything, and be able to buy what ever I want with cash....or say fuggit and not work any can't imagine what that does for your stress level.
It truly depends on where you are in life. Many people are convinced that in order to have anything in life, they will perpetually have a car payment, and have accepted that.

Others, have paid off their vehicle and discovered: "Holy shit, I now have $600 a month MORE every month...that's friggin awesome"

My personal opinion: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Go ahead and make that $600 a month payment to yourself in a medium risk investment and watch it grow. Give it a while and buy that new(ish) truck with CASH. It's a feeling you just can't describe. And, you can be SO much more selective/picky/dickhead when you've GOT the cash to either buy it, or tell the salesman you wouldn't piss in their mouth for what they're offering you for your truck.

Financial freedom is one of the best feelings I've ever had. To owe no one for anything, and be able to buy what ever I want with cash....or say fuggit and not work any can't imagine what that does for your stress level.
I agree with you 100% and follow the same path,

I'll also just add, it doesnt make someone bad or wrong to follow a different path. Some folks dont value money or wealth or security at all. They derive their happiness from "things"...I am not that person. I cant enjoy things with attachments because it lords over me...but if you "need" a new truck to feel good about life and you arent hurting anyone else. By all means go for it.

There is no argument it is not a good financial decision. Period. End stop. It never will be a good financial decision. But financial doesnt have to be the primary driver for everyone.
It’s your money do what you want. Every person on here will argue until they are blue in the face to keep the truck you’ve had since Bush was in office and laugh/call you an idiot when you have a car payment.

Remember you are asking for financial advice from people who tend to spend gobs of money on rigs they don’t even drive on the road :D
It’s your money do what you want. Every person on here will argue until they are blue in the face to keep the truck you’ve had since Bush was in office and laugh/call you an idiot when you have a car payment.

Remember you are asking for financial advice from people who tend to spend gobs of money on rigs they don’t even drive on the road :D
Or drive on the trails :flipoff2:
It's a seller's market right now, and will be until at least the summer. If you can get 15-20% off list *and* 0% and you're good with driving an ugly, ugly fucking truck....
It's a seller's market right now, and will be until at least the summer. If you can get 15-20% off list *and* 0% and you're good with driving an ugly, ugly fucking truck....

I was able to sell my truck for way more than it was worth. Couple that with some good available rebates from Ram and it was an easy decision for me to get a new one.
But watch out, they like to offer a low price but without the lower finiancing. In order to get the 0%, you may very well have to pay full price.

Cliffs: Do whatever you want to. Just don't bitch about it later. :flipoff2:
I agree with you 100% and follow the same path,

I'll also just add, it doesnt make someone bad or wrong to follow a different path.

Absolutely. Different strokes

Remember you are asking for financial advice from people who tend to spend gobs of money on rigs they don’t even drive on the road :D
Says the guy who's rig hasnt seen street NOR trail in 2yrs :huggy: