Not to scare or put anyone off, but my experience with one was pretty poor.
I don't know if the settings were off or what, but after a year or so of use I developed inner ear problems. I got pain when swimming under water, and occasional vertigo.
CPAP is the gold standard for sleep apnea, so doctors don't even offer up the fact that there are other options your insurance will also cover. Personally I think it pays them better, so they are incentivized to prescribe them. I think I spent over a grand all said and done on my end.
After some digging I ended up with an oral appliance that moves your jaw to correct the airway obstruction. It's basically a mouthguard like you'd wear playing sports. Inner ear junk cleared right up after abandoning the CPAP.
It's cheap, easy, low maintenance, and travels super easy. No electricity required.