crawfords sold?

yea, i read that - and a few others I have talked to from PBB around that way said crawfords isnt that great of a place to stay anymore. Oh well. Was nice due to the fact they had showers.
I knew he had it for sale. His health wasn't great for a while and he had put it on the market, but I heard he was back full there for a while. Jeepskeet from pirate/ probably knows the lowdown. I think his dad knew him personally.
Well I stayed there in June and it was still a great place to stay...

Yes he does have rules.. LIKE: No Speeding, Quiet time, no one on rock garden after dark, etc.. but Shit it is very clean family run camp site.. for a good price. was I do nto complain.. Plus I actually like to get some sleep when I am wheeling :)...

He also did mention that he would not sell it to just anyone..but only someone that was going to keep it running and take care of it..
That's good, cus it was a pretty nice place. I loved camping there, lots to do at the campground. Only complaint I have it driving the trail rig 30 minutes to trail 1, then 15 minutes down trail 1 to get to the wheelin. But maybe someday they will dig a tunnel through the mountain for me :D