Cummins Fuel Saving Techology (Not Tech, for Discussion)

Sorry reading back I came across as a dick earlier.
My main point I was trying to make is this, this isnt Cummins idea to save fuel. This is a federal mandate to clean up the air.
Go buy a Asian, African or South American truck and they get none of this emissions stiff
I believe that I think it is all a crock of shit especially when a diesel puts out less emissions than a gas burner to begin with. All the government is doing is making it harder and harder on companies and individuals but in the end what good dies it do when you use twice as much fuel and then a lot of addictive to run a diesel. The diesels are not the major concerns we have worse problems that I that. What should have happened was all the big manufactures get together and said no and if the government would have shit them down then good luck when their wives run out of tampons hahaha.
Sorry reading back I came across as a dick earlier.
My main point I was trying to make is this, this isnt Cummins idea to save fuel. This is a federal mandate to clean up the air.
Go buy a Asian, African or South American truck and they get none of this emissions stiff
I believe that I think it is all a crock of shit especially when a diesel puts out less emissions than a gas burner to begin with. All the government is doing is making it harder and harder on companies and individuals but in the end what good dies it do when you use twice as much fuel and then a lot of addictive to run a diesel. The diesels are not the major concerns we have worse problems that I that. What should have happened was all the big manufactures get together and said no and if the government would have shit them down then good luck when their wives run out of tampons hahaha.
Again, it is factually inaccurate to say a diesel puts out emissions than a gas burner. That point is not debatable there are scientific data points that do not concur.

Also, mine and your pick up trucks aren't the target of this legislation, locomotive engines, road tractors, industrial engines, these account for the major diesel sources. Our pick ups are a by product.

Sadly what you suggest isn't feasible, as far as manufacturers getting together and trumping the law. For one it is illegal, for another this country would screech to a halt without engines and DC would be glad (more people on the govt teat ), and finally never forget that north America as a whole represents less than 50% of either cummins or cats business.
When the emission equipment in the exhaust fails its going to cost an arm and leg to buy the replacement parts. just look at a O2 sensor 100 to 200 a piece and there is usually 2 in a exhaust system.
All of these sensors on any vehicle you own cause most of the problems in the vehicle whether it is the gas peddle or O2 sensors.

just to bring you up to speed, 2- o2 sensors are a thing of the past. there are vehicles (mazda comes to mind) with 6-8 o2 sensors and some list for $3-400.00.
There is a lot of things in this country that is illegal but needs tobe changed and it does take different masures to make it happen. If they were to stop production of the motors and buck up to the government and say enough with the bs whay are they going to do to them fine them and try to make them produce the engine. I promise people in the government do not lnow how to turn a wrench so it isnt like they are going to step in and make the engines. The government knows nothing more than just to tell someone what to do but they sure dont know how to do anything for their self.

Again, it is factually inaccurate to say a diesel puts out emissions than a gas burner. That point is not debatable there are scientific data points that do not concur.

Also, mine and your pick up trucks aren't the target of this legislation, locomotive engines, road tractors, industrial engines, these account for the major diesel sources. Our pick ups are a by product.

Sadly what you suggest isn't feasible, as far as manufacturers getting together and trumping the law. For one it is illegal, for another this country would screech to a halt without engines and DC would be glad (more people on the govt teat ), and finally never forget that north America as a whole represents less than 50% of either cummins or cats business.
just to bring you up to speed, 2- o2 sensors are a thing of the past. there are vehicles (mazda comes to mind) with 6-8 o2 sensors and some list for $3-400.00.
And they rarely fail, often its technicians who see codes and change parts that are replacing o2 sensors left and right. Not saying they don't fail but I bet a good portion of sensors replaced were not bad lol

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One of my biggest questions throughout talks about emissions is how many of these truck engineers and epa folks have actually spent hundreds of thousands of miles in the seat of these trucks they design this emisson stuff for, or for that matter owned an emission truck? It seems like they havn't. They say fuel mileage has increased over the years, say that to someone that owns a newer emission tractor and see what they say, not to mention the extra cost of emission equipment up keep (urea injection, dpf cleaning or replacement, ect). Im not trying to be a dick when i say this but you can throw out all the "research data" you want but it just doesn't seem to line up with what you hear the actual drivers say, and this is coming from someone who drives, and my father, mother, step father, and many friends all drive for different companys, with a very diverse selection of trucks, and that haul much different kinds of freight. Now i know there is a lot of BS that comes from truck drivers but mention emissions and see how serious the talk gets.

For example we have a variety of trucks at work, from sterlings, to international, to a peterbilt. Okay our peterbilt 379 is one of the most un aerodynamic trucks on the road and even worse has a 10 speed with 3.30 gears but our truck consistantly gets 6 to 7.5 mpg grossing 75k to 80k from kernersville to wheeling il and back at the same weight. Specs are 1997 pete 379 exhd, 3406e cat 600hp, 10 speed, 3.30 rears, 63" unibilt sleeper. I know its very hard to compare two different trucks but i havnt heard of many newer emissions trucks that have much better aerodynamics than a 379 coming close to that.

I am not for killing the enviroment but the government (epa) has to find a "happy median" here or they will end up really hurting the transportation industry. Its hard enough for someone with a truck(s) to make it now with the price of freight, and fuel, but now the added expense of urea everytime you fill up. On top of that the downtime from the problems that happen that lead to the emission system on the trucks. My dads company has purchased new volvo's in the past few years and he has senority so ofcourse he gets the new truck first, and we have spoken many times on this very topic, and everytime he says that with each new truck he gets it seems like they spend more time down than trucks before and 9 times out of 10 its due to emission equipment. I just consider myself lucky that i work for a man that will not purchase anything newer than '05 so we dont have to deal with the emission, atleast till our fine government starts mandating it, at which time my boss says he will sell the trucks and leave the industry all togetherand i bet there are more than a few drivers and owners that feel the same.
Well our truck just got out of the shop again with only a mear 60k on the odometer. This is the third time it has been in for the same emisions code. We burnt half a tank of urea in a week in less than 2k miles. Add that up with the luxuruas 7mpg and man what great fuel saving mmmmmm burning more diesel fuel plus this other. Hmmmm here is a thought instead of worrying about what is coming out of the exhaust why not burn less fuel and save the environment that way. MAKES SENSE to me
oh yeah and the emisions was so good on the truck that when the dodge place called me to pick the truck up and got in the truck to drive it home guess what was on hmmmm emisions code yet again. Good going emissions. Now if that clean air, epa, california, or whoever wanted that crap would just start paying my down time.
I don't want the emissions stuff on my personal truck either. My current tow rig is an 2001 Ram. When the time comes, I'll be replacing it with a low mileage 2006 model:D.
See we can't because we get dot inspected and that can get more expensive than wanting fuel mileage.
Yep...and repowers are at all time highs as well.
Yeah, and I see class 8s rolling down the interstate at 70 blowing more PM than my truck could ever put out... even with the box on kill.