Damn, damn, damn.

The federal government said there was no foul play. Hopefully someone trustworthy will confirm this, haha.
No doubt that Repubs will do everything in their power to delay it.

Regardless of how people feel about his interpretation or the upcoming pssfight, there is no question that guy had a large personality that was very influential. Will be interesting to see how the court interactions change.

RIP good sir, thank you so much for your service to the country.
The federal government said there was no foul play. Hopefully someone trustworthy will confirm this, haha.
Let the conspiracy theories begin.
Let the conspiracy theories begin.

Why do you think he stepped DOWN from Attorney General?

BHO will appoint himself. :rolleyes:
No, if he's smart he'll wait and let Hillary appoint him, in exchange for helping blow over "that minor little email thing"
Just think, with Hillary in the WH, a total Liberal Supreme Court and BHO as UN Secretary General you will see some change.