Diagnose This Noise :-)

This truck is supposed to be cheap...dagnabit!

Ain't Nothing cheap about a diesel !!! one way or another, it's gonna cost you !!

I'd go with the OEM 215's unless you're willing to go up in turbo as well. And to hell with sliding the stock plate... A TST plate makes a WORLD of difference. 5-speeds don't really need the GSK as much as the auto's do.

When I bought my truck, the stock plate was full forward, and it was nothing to get happy about.. Just dropping in the #10 plate and the governor kit REALLY woke up the truck, and EGT's were totally controllable unless I slid the plate full forward.

With your pump and stock injectors, you can get power levels very close to what I've got, and it tows great.. Just watch the EGT when you're "in it", and it better be pre-turbo.

Advancing your timing will help EGT's as well. (Also makes the rattle more "sharp")

Here: Balanced & matched injectors.

Piers is THE word in CTD stuff.
Peirs and Geno's...Love those places.

Any thoughts on the 275's?

I"ve got 215's now. They came standard on the 5 speed's I think. Just wanna move up a little if i can...Might try to slip a plate into the deal at the same time.
275's are for the 24valves..

Your OEM plate isn't letting you get the most out of those injectors. Either get a #10 or we can grind yours to match a 10 (or 10/0 if you wanna).

215's are great sticks.

Is your clutch stock?
No, LUK pro gold, from Carolina Clutch.

Guess 215's go back in...

You think grinding my plate makes more sense than paying for one?
You can grind yours to the same profile as a 10 or a 10/0 (aka 100), so effectively you have the same thing. I used a dremel to grind mine.

Or just give me $200 and I'll "buy" you a 10. :D

The #5 injector looks wet, #4 looks about normal compared to all the ones I've pulled int he past. is almost like reading sparkplugs, nice tan coating, little black carbon on the tip, is about normal, the #5 looks wet, and the chunky looking carbon makes me think the spary pattern isn't much more than a squirt nozzle from a garden hose, where is should be a very fine mist.
(this would also explain the white smoke and the wet exahust port at #5)
From the compression readings you told me about earlier today, I'd swap in a set of injectors and see what happens. you're already prepared for the worst, it's worth the shot to not have to replace the engine if not nessisary
