What if you got in an accident and were thrown through the windshield and lived...would you wear one then?
I was in a car wreck when I was 16, had a buddy in the car with me. Neither of us was wearing our seat belts. If I had been wearing my seat belt, I may have still survived but would have sustained neck injury due to the shit box of a car I was driving having the seat belt attached to the door and the door getting torn nearly completely off. My friend on the other hand died in the wreck because without his seat belt to hold him in his seat he hit the dash board with his chest and sustained massive internal injuries which killed him a few hours later in the hospital. The point of that story is that depending on the wreck and the circumstances, the seat belt analogy is hard to compare to the mask one. Now, I wear my seat belt ever since just because I figure there is a better chance of it saving me than causing more harm, especially since I will never own another fucking geo metro as long as I live. I also wear my mask when I am in public because I feel it has a better chance of protecting me and others than it does hurting.
If he lived...wouldn't that justify his reasoning for NOT wearing one.
Not necessarily, living but without a limb or two might make one think they should have worn the seat belt.
Definitely one of the worse things out there than just dying. Being a prisoner in ones own body without control of it would totally suck.
If we're playing hypotheticals...how about 'wore a seat belt, got stuck and was burned alive'. So, I double back to, you do you, I'll do me...and everyone can do as they please with the information presented.
Well that would be the rare time where the seat belt did more harm than good, but statistically speaking, the chances of a seat belt saving a life are higher than one being the cause of death.
No, because if he had been wearing a seatbelt, he probably wouldn't have been hurled through said windshield and if he had died, well... a seatbelt really isn't going to come into play anymore now is it?
Dying does end a debate.
You understand that the critical flaw in your logic is that people die in car wrecks every day, wearing seat belts, right? So bad comparison if you're trying to use it to justify masks.
I tend to agree that seat belts are not the best analogy to use in trying to persuade someone who doesnt want to wear a mask to wear one. I think a better argument is that what real harm is coming from wearing the mask? Yes it sucks, its inconvenient, its hot as balls out now and this makes it worse, and we look like a bunch of tools wearing them. I get all that, but what would suck more dying gasping for breath. The number of people who die from this virus versus those that get better from it once infected is relatively low, but its not zero. I can understand looking at it as the odds being in your favor, hell if I was single and didnt have a kid, I wouldnt care as much as I do. My thing though is that I am not single and I do have a kid. What if get it, and it has little to no effect on me, but then I spread it to my wife or son and it kills one or both of them? At first they thought it was only killing old people, then only people with underlying conditions, but now if you see the people dying, there are quite a few that are younger, seeming healthy people dying from this. That would suggest that there is no known demographic that virus will kill or wont kill. Thats pretty fucking scary. Now I know that the CDC has flip flopped on the effectiveness of wearing a mask a few times now, but if it has even the slightest chance of protecting you or someone you love, isnt it worth the slight inconvenience?