BTW to the OP, at my company we employ ~500 in my distributorship.
Of those only 15 even understand what I do, 10 of those readily admit they have no clue how to do my job, when our branch manager asks about business, I just say its under control, he smiles and says good job....and walks away
To the same point,
Try being a manager, and having some complete idiots under you.
If you are like me you just want to fire them. But even though they only do 30% of their job, if you fire them. That's 30% you'll end up having to do until you can justify a new employee.
So instead you just bug the crap out of them, and sometimes it carries over and you end up micromanaging people that are competent and WOULD BE doing their job just fine if you shut up and left them alone.
middle management= THE SUCK.
Of course those same people that were screwing up their job, since they only were doing 20-30% of a job, had LOTS of time to critique the people on my team that WERE doing their job well. (To the point a few times I had to try and keep a server admin from going over a cubicle and taking out our "network admin")
Happiest day was when I told them I couldn't do that anymore.
Either promote me, transfer me out of local IT, or fire me. I can't do it.
They promoted me.
Then I realized upper management was just trusting the other managers could do the same job. So it was a whole new game of learning who was competent, and who needed nagging.
Then I quit and went back to being a peon. MUCH happier.
Less stress. Don't have to deal with knowing someone I like on a personal level is about to get laid off, etc etc.
I'll find out about layoffs now when they walk me out the door.
well, hopefully not.
So yes, I understand how annoying it is for people to tell you what to do. But sometimes it's because they are used to people screwing up constantly. (Unless you happen to be that guy that IS screwing up and needing the babysitting.)
Probably not though.
Oh, and I hate managing people. (in case you couldn't tell)