Does everybody know your Job?


New Member
Mar 5, 2008
new bern
Don't you love it when people you work with obviously know your job better then you do? I was just talking to someone that works in the same company as I do but in a totally different section. He:gay::sniper: proceded to tell me what my job is and that it is the only thing I do. This is so not true that it's almost funny, I counted one day and realized that I am in charge of 7-10 different aspects of this company. Granted my job is not always as physical as this guys was but he also got kicked out of his original job and put somewhere else. That tells you what kind of worker he is. And it's not only him more then half of the people he works with are the same way.

I guess I just wanted to vent. I know there are some of you that feel the same way, so let's hear it.:Rockon:
How about the supervisor who has never done your job, but continuously tells you HOW to do your job?
I have to give credit to my supervisors right now. From myself, to 4 layers up the food chain, all have done the job I do now and they were promoted from within. It is nice to know that they understand what we do. The only downfall is that they also understand the opportunity to slack off sometimes...:rolleyes:
I have to give credit to my supervisors right now. From myself, to 4 layers up the food chain, all have done the job I do now and they were promoted from within. It is nice to know that they understand what we do. The only downfall is that they also understand the opportunity to slack off sometimes...:rolleyes:
Most of the "upper" supervisors have never even been in the cab of a concrete mixer.
its not my supervisor...he's really good at this. its the customers that think they know more about copiers than i do that bother me.
My favorite is the customer that wants to stand and argue with you that he's right and you're wrong. Even after you show them in writing, diagrams, or just plain common sense.
Ive never really had anyone tell me how to do my job (within the company). There will be screw ups but none the less the only time someone has told me how to do something is when i ask. As for customers, they are all idiots.. Except for when i call in or have a problem with something then the vendor is the idiot ha ha.. BigRed, i used to work on copiers too, they are a PITA sometimes with paperjams and whatnot, but overall pretty simple to t/s. I like how customers are so quick to assume the whole machine is broken when there is a black line going down the paper and it just ends up being dust on the glass that they didnt clean very well and they try to return the machine or call us out to come fix it. DA's
or the VP of Transportation that's doesn't know how to start a big rig. :lol:

Does he need to know how?

There's plenty of exec's in our food chain that don't know shit about what I do, but they don't need to know in order to be the VP. They just need a rudimentary understanding of your job, not how do it it.

Their job has much different requirements.
Does he need to know how?

There's plenty of exec's in our food chain that don't know shit about what I do, but they don't need to know in order to be the VP. They just need a rudimentary understanding of your job, not how do it it.

Their job has much different requirements.

Rich < Must be buying a company and becoming V.P. soon :)
Does he need to know how?

There's plenty of exec's in our food chain that don't know shit about what I do, but they don't need to know in order to be the VP. They just need a rudimentary understanding of your job, not how do it it.

Their job has much different requirements.

Can the truck driver read a P&L statement, can he forecast market conditions, and make budget allocations?
Can he get others to believe in him enough to invest?
Can he present ideas clearly, and eloquently in a polite and persuasive manner?

We all choose to follow different career paths, it is really aggravating to hear people have disdain for others who worked harder earlier to work less later.

This coming from someone who used to have a title of VP and is now "just a sales rep"...So I have seen both sides of the coin. I like controlling my own destiny, not worrying about if I will lose my job because others may not do theirs, I have 2 kids at home I dont like managing many more.
BTW to the OP, at my company we employ ~500 in my distributorship.
Of those only 15 even understand what I do, 10 of those readily admit they have no clue how to do my job, when our branch manager asks about business, I just say its under control, he smiles and says good job....and walks away
BTW to the OP, at my company we employ ~500 in my distributorship.
Of those only 15 even understand what I do, 10 of those readily admit they have no clue how to do my job, when our branch manager asks about business, I just say its under control, he smiles and says good job....and walks away

To the same point,
Try being a manager, and having some complete idiots under you.
If you are like me you just want to fire them. But even though they only do 30% of their job, if you fire them. That's 30% you'll end up having to do until you can justify a new employee.
So instead you just bug the crap out of them, and sometimes it carries over and you end up micromanaging people that are competent and WOULD BE doing their job just fine if you shut up and left them alone.

middle management= THE SUCK.

Of course those same people that were screwing up their job, since they only were doing 20-30% of a job, had LOTS of time to critique the people on my team that WERE doing their job well. (To the point a few times I had to try and keep a server admin from going over a cubicle and taking out our "network admin")
Happiest day was when I told them I couldn't do that anymore.
Either promote me, transfer me out of local IT, or fire me. I can't do it.
They promoted me.
Then I realized upper management was just trusting the other managers could do the same job. So it was a whole new game of learning who was competent, and who needed nagging.
Then I quit and went back to being a peon. MUCH happier.
Less stress. Don't have to deal with knowing someone I like on a personal level is about to get laid off, etc etc.
I'll find out about layoffs now when they walk me out the door.

well, hopefully not. :D

So yes, I understand how annoying it is for people to tell you what to do. But sometimes it's because they are used to people screwing up constantly. (Unless you happen to be that guy that IS screwing up and needing the babysitting.)

Probably not though. :)

Oh, and I hate managing people. (in case you couldn't tell)
I just had a kid with 2 mo experience straight out of school tell me I was wrong while he was doing shit work on one of my jobs. Its so much more fun when you can just rip the hell out of them for opening their mouth when they shouldn't.
I just had a kid with 2 mo experience straight out of school tell me I was wrong while he was doing shit work on one of my jobs. Its so much more fun when you can just rip the hell out of them for opening their mouth when they shouldn't.

I get this everyday. Just because I'm in the office now doesn't mean I wasn't in the field before, for like 6 years... :shaking:
I get this everyday. Just because I'm in the office now doesn't mean I wasn't in the field before, for like 6 years...

lol yea. I told him he was 5 years min behind the curve on what he knew so he could pretty much stfu and learn or he wouldn't work on one of my jobs ever again. BTW is the guy you were talking about coming over Robert? Think I may have met him about a week ago but I was on the back end of 2 big a$$ cans of Amp and was alil out of it
try haveing a owner that never did any of the jobs at the company he owns

a smart owner will hire employees that know how to do the work. the owner doesn't have to know how to do every job...

My father doesn't know how to cut glass, etc. in his glass shop. He has others for that. But, hes more than tripled the size of the company since he started it 6 years ago and he doesn't know how to do every job...
^good ......seemed like a pretty decent guy and could use some people around here whose heads aren't filled with thoughts of entitlement.

yeah, hes cool. He used to have a CJ, then a 95 XJ with 33s, then a YJ, now a ZJ...

He can weld and fab just about anything. He was captain of the ecu Baja team this year, so he can build just about anything.

Oh yeah, he is decent with electrical stuff too :flipoff2:
I am the designer, draftsman, and quality control engineer for an ASME pressure vessel manufacturer. It's not so much that people tell me how to do my job as they think I have an easy job and don't do any work. Yet they work 40 hrs. a week and I work 50-60:wtf: