dpg feb 17th

For now. Give it time. It'll break down on ya again.:bounce:
If ya aint breakin parts you aint wheelin hard enough :driver:

No when you ARE breaking parts you aint building it good enough.

Anyway I thought this thread was about DPG this past Saturday not bashing the Z71 Jeep. SO I know someone else has to have some pictures to post.
hey ricky ask zack how hard and how often he wheels his yj :fuck-you:

Well one its still my DD. I don't have a choice of getting Daddy's truck or buying another vehicle right now. If i had another vehicle, the jeep would be a lot bigger. And yeah, lets see some more pics.

Wish I could have made it. What were the results of 6000lb+ rockwelled rigs vs sub 42's? How did the xzl(?)s do? And was there any ice?
if you need anything more than a 39" you're compensating...lol
I've seen from past rides different sizes do well in different areas.
there were a good few rigs out there with sub 42's, it seemed like its not neccesarily about having the big tires to do the DPG stuff, its more about having the right kind of tire tread (ie:regular mud terrains dont really cut it, more along the lines of tsl's or iroks or any of the more aggressive tire treads), having lockers, and good ground clearance.
i have a few more pics of it i think



i love the tailgate on this thing



the above link is to the rest of my pics. if you can access them then hit me up with a pm and i will give you the password