Dont spend money for toughness. Your not going to get anything that wont scrape off on rocks!.
SURFACE PREP...So it dont "fall off"!
Cheap...Wally World or Similar
Easy to touch-up...Textured paints can be rolled or brushed, so no masking needed and touch ups blend good
Looks...Shiny looks/cleans best. Appliance epoxy best I found for this.
Now, my vote for the best, most durable coating, if ya wanna spend some $$?
Good quality Bed Liner! My tires wont even scrape it off my fenderwells where they rub. ( I think it took three years to finally start to rub thru!) It will not rock chip, although I would imagine you can still "rock scrape" it off! I got a Jeepin buddy who painted his entire GPW with it. I dont think I have seen any scrapes on the body yet! And its holdin the rust together!! LOL!