
same here at my house, i thought i was loosing it for a min.
Raleigh, too. And a friend in McLean, Va, and Shawn's sister in Winchester...
I felt it here at the plant.
Felt it here in Hickory. Didn't know wtf was going on. Crazy :poop:!
It woke me out of a sound ass sleep. I thought it was just a dream followed by vertigo until i saw my tv wobbling on the dresser. This is in north east gaston co.
Nothing in asheville,nc
I hate WRAL's sensationalism...first, they've been overplaying the hurricane all day. Now, on the first posted report online, they use this pic (surely a stock photo, too fast online):

On the 12th floor in a building in dowtown Greensboro, shook everything pretty good up here.
I was in a mobile unit at work and thought the guys mowing were too mowing way too close.

Felt it here in west Raleigh. We live near the RR tracks and I was thinking that was one hell of a freight

Oh, now that I know where the epicenter was, I'm not sure it was really an earthquake, I think someone from DC just dropped their copy of Obamacare.
I felt it in Lexington.... only I didn't figure out that what I felt was an earthquake until after. I just figured it was another big truck going down the road, but I didn't see any trucks.... didn't put it together until later.