Eminent Domain in NC

I’d be pissed if I got just 10% over tax value for either of my places.
Purchased for $89k added for $20k appraised for $130k and took the offer of $144k

I wasn't complaining
I bought my house in Gaston Co a year and a half ago for about 10% under tax value. If someone offered me 10% over right now I'd be moving.
The closer you get to Harlotte, the higher the prices are. Stuff in middle Gaston county is generally selling for 0-20% above tax value. Belmont and the surrounding areas are higher than that. Outer extents are at or below tax value.
I'll just leave this here. A person I know works at the DOT and has been on their side of this. According to him, you don't need to waste your time and money on a lawyer, just request 20% more than they offer and 9/10 times they pay without looking into it because it's easier to accept than to re-appraise and fight. Anything over 20% throws the flag to be re-evaluated. It may take a second request to get the extra, but it almost always happens.