finally my XJ to keep for good, innovative

This is just an idea but if you were better in the social skills department you might have been able to get a ride from a fellow co-worker. Cursing at everyone and making a huge ruckus is not solving anything.
u don't know the history of people and bashing me so please, spare me your good thoughts. people here suck for the most of what ive seen. I've had my encounters and verses with some descent ones but most have proven themselves to be higher and better than others and that they feel the need to constantly bash people who they only judge and know through some online shit talkin site such as this!!
ohh yeah, lets ask people for a ride every time to go take and get 4 kids, groceries, misc. trips, parts, etc.. get real dude
if I did that, then the "society people" Ron refers to, would now have favors to hold over my head for the next decade and expect free work out of me for thanks, been there done that had those don't need them.
hey at least I'm popular again with my post being in the top 2 most views,lol lol lol lol now i'm being just smart ass and actually makes me laugh how I went from putting this jeep up for sale, and turns into this thread now...and u guys wonder where I come up with this "people on here are ass holes" remarks..........................
You know I am not even going to get sucked into this vortex of worthless arguing. I never once downgraded you. I was merely asking if you were driving it illegally. Then I got called a cop and referred to as a pig and others on this thread are the problem?? I am fairly confident that you just love the attention or you would have already stopped making threads.
hey, and for you sir...what business of yours was it to ask if i'm driving it illegally? that is none of yours or anyone elses business and that is the "society" problem I have with people. I support and back people up on anything they do out of struggle and love for their family and circumstance so in your case...yeah your better off to stay out of my threads since they usually turn into this kind of shit and thank our peers for that
Not taking up for you, but what is the difference of buying a jeep tub with title to use that Vin when registering a jeep ( people on here do that all the time, illegal) and using another jeeps title to get insurance and tag so you can support your family? Like I said I'm not taking up for you, but some people on here are on a high dead horse
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Not taking up for you, but what is the difference of buying a jeep tub with title to use that Vin when registering a jeep ( people on here do that all the time, illegal) and using another jeeps title to get insurance and tag so you can support your family?
I don't know, at least you understand what I did (not taking up for me,lol) that's all I stated but everyone else ... well we see where that went. just shows why some people on here need to find their better halves and learn a thing or two from the rest. "don't say nothing if you can't say nothing nice!"
ohh, and FYI, I didn't even know people do what you said they do with titles and stuff??? so i'm clueless..i just did what I had to do to drive around for a few month sicne our car got stolen and left us with this toy
Now here is the old jeeptard we know and love I mean love to make fun of for being brick headed
This thread sucks.
Hey, how's that garage coming?
slow but ready to pour finally. digging for 3 weeks now but it's fixing to pay off. slab is coming this week if weather permits. im not very happy about 1400 in concrete but it will pay for itself within a few jobs on it so its worth it. thanks for askin
btw, landlord is paying for concrete otherwise I would've bought a car. just so someone didn't bash for that comment
hey, and for you sir...what business of yours was it to ask if i'm driving it illegally? that is none of yours or anyone elses business and that is the "society" problem I have with people. I support and back people up on anything they do out of struggle and love for their family and circumstance so in your case...yeah your better off to stay out of my threads since they usually turn into this kind of shit and thank our peers for that
If you crash that death trap into me your insurance won't pay for my car. I can sue you, but what good is a crashed POS and and now I have to pick up your kids because you lost your license.

if I did that, then the "society people" Ron refers to, would now have favors to hold over my head for the next decade and expect free work out of me for thanks, been there done that had those don't need them.

yeah ron, good people who have bad things happen to them but keep striving to do what's right but sometime they have to improvise and do what they have to do to make ends meet. jeep was built as a toy, and when left carless, don't have family and friends to fall back on so one jeep sittin in the driveway becomes my mobility to pick up kids and groceries. don't get me started on whose been there and done what. I've nothing to explain to you but maybe trying to educate you on some of peoples issues and hard times. wheeling is my last priority but when it comes to family, I do what I have to do to make it. i'm glad your so blessed to not ever be in such shoes but the rest of us keep on truckin to make it everyday and u can't understand that...tough, I don't answear to you anyhow. now I get the speech of "endangering" peoples' lives right? and btw, people suck, our society in America is a joke, laws are outrageously unjustified, the system is foul and fallen, government is trash, but the hard working people will survive...why? because we know how from experience and a lifestyle that this country has created.

My x wife has the same attitude and outlook on life. She had the same outlook on making ends meet for her, the newest boyfriend, and lastly my daughter. The government took her attitude into consideration, awarded me sole custody, gave her 5 hrs of supervised visitation per week, and 70-93 months at one of their finest "Grey Bar Inns".

It seems there are consequences for making ends meet at the expense of the law. I wonder how hard it will be for her now, or you in the future?
hey, the nc4x4 police got me yo. they moved my thread for such cruel actions of my post...ohh how will I ever forgive myself for what Sir Buttkiss has done to me! pity with his head for such actions against this kingdom and its peoples. we will not tolerate such mere pheasants. in the name of William Wallace, "Freeeedoooooooommmmm"
ohh this is getting good. someones mad and cursing and throwing rage!! success I say men, success!! after all this "internet crap" was designed for this wasn't it. grown men sitting at home talking through keyboards to make themselves feel higher and mightier than others just to deal with their own self confidence and respect issues...gotta love the social media, it has been the gateway for bullying, bashing, shit-talking, immatureness, downgrading and lame way to make friends but keep at a distance but in the end nobody really knows anybody deep down except that they can type good or bad or ugly and paste pictures and scripts!! this lesson's free Jeff, Ron and any others who care to be inspired by some truth and morale. get a life to the resta-ins! Only on these pathetic social media forums can someone put a vehicle up for sale, get mocked and bashed and turn into Jerry Springer over it, but I'm the one whose immature right? hey one last thing, I bet if you would spend the time you talk smack on here out practicing on the trail, you might actually be able to call yourselves real men of the sport but as I was told years back when joining these forums by someone.."they're all bunch of washed up internet wheelers nowadays" btw, not my words. quoted from him and sadly enough, most guys on here i'm believing this phrase to "seem" true. good luck to everyone and your high horses, once again!
I'll withhold my judgment on you driving this pile of shit illegally on our roads (I saw ours because they are SHARED)...but really, putting your children at risk by driving this thing with them inside at above above 5 miles an hour is shameful at best and a fucking disgrace at worst.

Find some college moron to sell that pile to (you've done it before) and get something without a fucking trampoline welded to it.

While you're at it, you might want to look at some free e-books on how to manage your finances in a responsible manner. Stolen car or not, you shouldn't be forced to use a "toy" like this technical abortion you have for your sole transportation EVER. Plus, most insurance would typically cover a stolen vehicle in some manner, so I'm lead to believe you didn't have insurance on it either.

Basically, you've got to play to pay in this hobby. There is a reason I live 10 minutes from the Uwharrie National Forest and have been on the trails once. I don't kid myself. I know, as my Jeep is my daily driver, that if it breaks there is no way I could afford to fix it. Use sound judgment man. I have myself and a dog to feed with a pretty decent job at my age. You've got 4? kids and a wife. Your posts seem to indicate you have a tendency to put your hobbies in front of them.