FJ buggy

No pic I dont think anybody had a camra. U should have went with us. I dont know why but every body kept telling me i had better buy some upgrade shafts for the front to.
I went to wind rock sat. with Mark- he'll need front shafts pretty soon. The 47 ltb's may call for 47 O.E.M.'s once the tires get broken in. The 47's really bite once they get warm and you air them down to about 30 psi.
I'm VERY impressed with the build quality of Mark's fj - it says alot when you can flog your ride on the first trip out and NO bugs show up. Great work Jim. Anybody thinking 45k is high for a ride with diamond encrusted shifters is not in touch with reality.
Its a good thing I drive better than Mark or I would have part my junk out.
her ya go 320-983-3030 tell randy ya wunt tha baNgEN shit. ur gunna need it.
I have all ready talked 2 Randy. He said it would be a couple weeks be for he had any lockers built. I told him i will be ordering shafts to i just have to decide 47spline or alloy 16. He says i will be fine with 16,s.
Yeah yeah yeah. But 1000 dollars virses 2250 dollars. I guess i could pull the ls out and put a 22re back in. Thay mite last a little longer.[/QUOTE

Where the hell did you learn how to spell Mark? Rig is as freakin bad-ass as it gets! Hold my beer and let me teach you how to drive it!:beer: Also, did not forget about the spare you asked about. Keeping my eye on it. Still chillin.
Where the hell did you learn how to spell Mark? Rig is as freakin bad-ass as it gets! Hold my beer and let me teach you how to drive it!:beer: Also, did not forget about the spare you asked about. Keeping my eye on it. Still chillin.[/QUOTE]
I am still learning to spell. Kool keep your eye on it. Do u warranty detroit,s.