Florance storm pics, lets see um


Elderly neigbor. Not even been that rough here. Just bad luck.
Easy fix. Got a saw? Maybe some tar paper or tarp?
Making a plan now. After a biscuit me and the loader will probably lift it off. Our big rain is about 1 hour out. I go to church with another neighbor who owns and rents it out. I just called and they didn't know about it.
So far, a few sprinkles here and there for me here. Was breezy all day yesterday, which was a blessing as it wasn't all that hot, but muggy as hell. The breeze was welcomed, well except when it had me chasing plastic bags across the yard.
Making a plan now. After a biscuit me and the loader will probably lift it off. Our big rain is about 1 hour out. I go to church with another neighbor who owns and rents it out. I just called and they didn't know about it.
I'd recommend leaving it on there until everything passes. It will provide a cushion if anything else falls.
You sound like you work for FEMA

<Shrug> I fixed worse with less. Patched a hole in the roof when a neighbor's branch fell. It was about that big. Couple loads of wood and some roof repair, couldn't tell it happened 48hrs later.
I'd recommend leaving it on there until everything passes. It will provide a cushion if anything else falls.
Done gone. Might have been a decent idea. Power company hacked it a few years back. Got a serious case of the Detroit Lean. Also alot more bigger dying stuff in it. Owner removed it with me as wingman. His tractor has a canopy!
This is off the back corner of my house.


Looking off my front steps towards my grandma's house.


A mile around the corner at my dad's old place. All of my stuff is in that shop, but luckily none of it was damaged. That's about a 30" oak.


Down the road from my dad's. You can tell we had some tornadoes again.

