For those of you that are caregivers....


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
A few of y'all, like me, have found yourselves caregivers for older parents. I thought I'd share something that our local pharmacy just started, and is a real timesaver for us. Gone are the days of having to sort pills into a pill planner every week, and the best part, all prescriptions are renewed at the same time. The pharmacy sorts them into a month-long bubble pack planner. No extra charge for it.

Check and see if your pharmacy provides this service.


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A few of y'all, like me, have found yourselves caregivers for older parents. I thought I'd share something that our local pharmacy just started, and is a real timesaver for us. Gone are the days of having to sort pills into a pill planner every week, and the best part, all prescriptions are renewed at the same time. The pharmacy sorts them into a month-long bubble pack planner. No extra charge for it.

Check and see if your pharmacy provides this service.


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What’s up with the random licorice jelly beans?
I'll talk with my dad about that.
Not random...August 1st is at bottom right corner. Bottom left of you flip it over to the label side. Vitamin D every 7 days.

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Why the heck wouldn't they make it 7 rows across x 5 columns. Then you could line up the weekdays just like a calendar.
That's Nice. But looks like you still need to figure out the "once a day", & "twice a day".

My mom has another pill -- just one -- that has to be taken at least an hour away from any food, and not with other meds, so it is in it's own bubble pack. If she had morning/evening meds, she'd have a pack for each.
Make sure you count them yourself for accuracy. I have a friend who is a pharmacy tech that tells some crazy stories about other pharmacy techs almost killing people because they can't count. True story.