Four day work week

I wish we could work just 4 10s. Our customers call on us all hours of the day and night, so we are forced to be in the office at least 7-5 M-F. Almost makes me wish I was working in the field again doing 4 10s (or more as needed)...
Well, starting today , I am on a four day work week.

They came at us last Wed about it, said it was working well in our other shops.

Half the techs are off on Monday, half on Friday, on weeks where there are holidays, we'll work a regular 8hr schedule.

So, now that I have the day off, with little notice ( was told Friday what day I would have and that it was being implemented) I now have been loookin for stuff to do, not that I lack for things to do, but most of them require some planning and a little $$$.

So far, all I have done today was take the kid to daycare and BS with some bud's at another shop ( then they had to get to work)

Maybe next week will be better......
i didnt know you could still make a living on 40 hours

Sure, you just have to have the right training/ed/career. Many careers pay plenty well w/o having work your arse off.

Apparently you can. I just got back from the dentist, and they work 8-5 M-W,8-2 Thursday, and off every Friday! What a pie work schedule.

See above.
How much did that trip to the dentist cost? They can afford a short week.

Well, starting today , I am on a four day work week.

They came at us last Wed about it, said it was working well in our other shops.

So, now that I have the day off, with little notice ( was told Friday what day I would have and that it was being implemented) I now have been loookin for stuff to do, not that I lack for things to do, but most of them require some planning and a little $$$.

... Maybe next week will be better......

I love it when companies just do things like this.
One big side to thsi 10-hr day, for those not accustomed to it, is how it affects home life.
E.g., now what are you supposed to do with your kids for the 2 hours you're working? For many folks, 5 days isn't exactly enoug htime to scrape up a new arrangement.
BTW, many of the folks that work here at the APG do a similar scheme - 80 hrs over 2 weeks, w/ a "required day off" taken somewhere in the 2 week period. Your choice which day.
Pretty nice - but I'm finding sometimes it's a real pain when you need to find out something, and 1/2 of your team is gone, or have some important paperwork and the administrator in charge just isn't there on like a Tuesday. Your gov't in action.
E.g., now what are you supposed to do with your kids for the 2 hours you're working? For many folks, 5 days isn't exactly enoug htime to scrape up a new arrangement.

fortunately, we have been pretty lucky in that respect.

Since the wife will get to keep her job for the time being ( she just missed a lay off week before last) she's able to pick the kid up, and I drop her off.

the part that ain't so keen, is because I can't get into Raleigh before 8am, I'm stuck working till 6pm now, which ain't really all that bad either, considering I was on a simlar schedule on a former job, only it was manditory 8am-6pm w/ and hour lunch (unpaid) and 5hrs built in OT every week for the hourly folks ( which REALLY sucked for the comissioned guys (ME))

Ah well, we'll see how things work once she gets into school the end of the month, then we'll determine if she'll ride the bus or I'll be taking her in. and what sort of programs are available before and after school.