free roll cage material

If that's a Fuller quote it's been heavily edited. That boy never posted anything that short.
IIRC, it started out as "blah blah blah blah... Something something, FU and God bless..." <insert quote> misspelled words.
all jokes aside, in that particular pic it looks as if the base arm is angle iron and then some square or angle welded back in- but that its interrupted ? is that seriously whats going on?
Lol..I didn't even have fuller on my mind when I snapped the trampoline pic. I was thinking about the orange xj at 4x4cross.
But as soon as I started writing, I quickly thought about fuller and the sheet metal armor.

Seriously though...anybody need this trampoline?
Whoa, sweet cage. Needs more triangles. Well, any triangles would be good. It needs some body panels and a vinyl wrap that looks like some kind of bug.

Oh, I see the exo cage posted above has never heard of a triangle either. Sweet exo cage. Tubes love to be loaded in bending. Totally.
dam, with all of the fuller mods. I forgot about that orange heep.
Dylan , I guess I would trade u that xj body u was wanting from me so I can trump all these guys for dibs on all that great tubing. I could make the ASU jeep perfect with some of that. would have to be careful while welding it on. would hate to mess up some of the great lettering and some of his quotes that's wrote on it.
its went thru a few hands b4 I got it. a few hi school kids. so the graffiti has kept going. so in true fuller fashion. it does have several religious quotes and plent of cuss words, different dope names and a huge KKK across the roof.
IIRC, it started out as "blah blah blah blah... Something something, FU and God bless..." <insert quote> misspelled words.

I almost forgot. I never did get an answer from him on that 1.
I told I was confused. In his Christian ways did the god bless or the F.U. come 1st when he started responding to others on here about them trying to help him
I almost forgot. I never did get an answer from him on that 1.
I told I was confused. In his Christian ways did the god bless or the F.U. come 1st when he started responding to others on here about them trying to help him
I vote we should bring him back just to get an answer!

@shawn I dare you :flipoff2:
Funny, but NO!
He wont ever get it. just not capable of it. Hell , since he hasnt slipped back in. Maybe he's dead. Killed by 1 of his great mods

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