Gas prices????


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
So... WTF is going on here.
Just got word of down to $2.09.

This is falling even faster than it went up? Oil by the barrel has not fallen nearly that much.
I bought gas this past Sturday for $1.99 in Union, SC

Just sucks to think how bad we have been reamed this past year since Katrina, while oil companies recorded record profits and exxon gave a $295 million christmas bonus to a CEO....
It's $2.19 here in Greensboro on Wendover and I-40.
Lowest I've seen around here in Charlotte is $2.32....
Monday it was $2.07 in Chesnee SC, today it's $2.28 in Morganton
HEard it was in the teens at the marion Love station.

No complaints at all on this end.

BTW Propane was still $1.99 a gallon
saw regular at 2.09 and diesel at 2.74