So yesterday saw the front end disassembled, today was about the back end.
It started with me crawling under the jeep to disconnect the control arms, Drive Shaft, Parking Brake, and Brake Lines. Let me tell you that was fun. lol I ended up having to cut the parking brake body mount to get the cables loose. oh well.
After everything was out from under the Jeep:
After that was done it was back up to the front to remove the winch and bumpers. This was rather emotional. The bumpers and winch were the first mods I installed when I bought the jeep in 1999. even before the lift and lockers.
I also set the front axle approximately where I want it. To see if I thought it was going to work.
Side view:
Well... as they say at the Haunted Mansion Ride at Disneyland "There's No Turning Back Now!!!" The Steering Box is out and the mount is gone. Just need flap brush it smooth and paint it.
That is about all I'm going to get done this weekend. My wife wants to spend some time at Disneyland tomorrow so I wont get any time tomorrow to work on it.
So I'm going to need to sell the following.
1ea TJ D44 rear end with a Detroit Locker
1ea TJ D30 front axle with an ARB Locker, new 1/4" thick lower control arm mounts, and new unit bearings (these have 1 run up sledge hammer on them)
1ea TJ adjustable front track bar with frame mount
1ea TJ adjustable rear track bar
1ea Stock steering box with drop pitman arm
1ea Front TJ drive shaft
1ea Rear TJ drive shaft
5ea 15"x10" Eaton Steel Beadlock rims
5ea 35x12.20-15 Mickey Thompson Baja Claws. (1 brand new, 1 with 1 run on it, 3 with several years but very little mileage)
1pr of Rubicon Express 5.5" lift front springs (these have three years on them)
1pr of Rubicon Express 5.5" lift rear springs (these have 3 years on them)
1pr of Superlift 6" lift front springs (these are old, and possibly worn out)
1pr of Superlift 6" lift rear springs (these are old, and possibly worn out)
1pr of Rough Country front N2.0 Shocks
1pr of Rough Country Rear N2.0 Shocks
All items would be pick up only as I'm not into shipping them.