Glass film to protect from scratches?


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Aug 24, 2005
Concord, NC
We have a big dog. When he wants to come in, he jumps up and slams his front paws on the sliding glass door. We've tried multiple methods to break him of this, but he still does it. So the glass is seriously scratched up from his dragon-like claws. I tried a glass polishing compound, which took the small, shallow scratches out, but the deep ones are still there. It looks bad.

Now we are moving and I would like for the new house glass to not get scratched. Is there a residential glass film I can install on the exterior of the glass that you guys have used?


you best bet would probably be a metal screen of some kind attached to the door. any glass film will end up getting cut with claw marks. you could also possibly put a piece of lexan up and when it gets to scratched throw it away and get a new one.
you could also possibly put a piece of lexan up and when it gets to scratched throw it away and get a new one.

That was what I was thinking....Lexan until you can't stand to look at it....then put up another
You can do the same with tint film, but will need to replace it more often than a sheet of lexan (looks like someone suggested that already). There's material for windshield tear-offs that would work too, and is very optically clear if you're worried about that. Expensive though.

I'm going to say something like Makrolon AR (abrasion resistant). That's what is used for a lot of racecar windows. If you use sheet plastic, use plastic window cleaner so it won't get chalky from stripping out the plasticisers.
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Probably cheaper to trim his nails.
They are like claws of dragons. We trim them, we take him to the dog place to get them trimmed, they cut and grind them, but you can only trim so far because the quick or whatever it is goes out so far.

I might need to make him wear dog boots when he goes out.
Call Russo's window tinting in Denver NC. They started the windshield tear off on NASCAR. They did my dad's RV windshield and front end in clear to protect it in the Alaska trip they took.
Lexan scratches much easier and cost more than Plexi glass. Lexan is softer which makes it harder to break and can be bent in a metal break but scratches because of its softness.