Glock 18 - The most deadly gun on planet earth!

I guess me personally, i wouldn't carry something with a hit or miss track record whether it was true or not. I also don't fully trust any of them unless it has at least 1000 down the pipe. Now this is for a carry not just a plinker. For example i wanted a p365 when they first came out, but decided to wait until all the kinks have been worked out. Even though i personally knew people with many flawless rounds thru theirs. Id rather wait.

IMO Kahr CT9 for 80 bucks more would get my vote.

Just my 2 cents
I'll admit I have a hi point 9mm, got from a friend that bought it new and never fired it. I had a old YZ250 that I acquired in a trade deal, had no real money in it, that he had to have. Short story is I have zero dollars in it. Perfect farm truck, camping gun. It has fired hundreds of rounds without jamming, road in the tool box, been wet several times and will still kill what ever you point it at. It has 2 snakes and one rabid skunk under it's belt!
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I am not sure when their QC went to shit. They used to be fine pistols. They might be again but think of the late CT Winchesters or the current remingtons. Something happened and a really nice pistol went to shit in a hurry.
My Kimber 1911 ultra carry has never complaints here....
The Sig I currently own (p250), I paid $300 for.
I definitely consider that a budget pistol.