Go Extreme or Go Home

That'll probably bring some responses :popcorn:
I guess you are you OK with drinking on the hard top too?

No not on the hard top, personally I hardly drink at all, I'm just posting what I have seen, if every person on the trails was stopped and checked it would not surprise me if most of them had alcohol in them, again I am just going from what I have seen. Before anyone tries the whole you ever been hit or think about those that have been affected by drunk drivers, yeah I got hit head on, on my way to school my senior year.
No not on the hard top, personally I hardly drink at all, I'm just posting what I have seen, if every person on the trails was stopped and checked it would not surprise me if most of them had alcohol in them, again I am just going from what I have seen. Before anyone tries the whole you ever been hit or think about those that have been affected by drunk drivers, yeah I got hit head on, on my way to school my senior year.

wheeling comes with it's inherent risks and dangers and every once and a while there is a tragic accident..... why in the world would you want to allow people to drink and impair their reaction time and judgement??? I don't think drinking and operating anything with an engine is a very good idea.
wheeling comes with it's inherent risks and dangers and every once and a while there is a tragic accident..... why in the world would you want to allow people to drink and impair their reaction time and judgement??? I don't think drinking and operating anything with an engine is a very good idea.

No it's not U are right but the fact of the matter is it happens I say more than not, I never said get drunk and wheel, people will deny it but it happens more than everyone thinks.
That'll probably bring some responses :popcorn:
I guess you are you OK with drinking on the hard top too?

There is a difference between "drinking" and "drunk". It's not one many people are willing to acknowledge anymore, but considering that driving sleepy and driving while talking on the phone result in similar levels of impairment, perhaps we should.

That said, you're not allowed to have alcohol anywhere within Uwharrie, so moot point.
Maybe I am a little misguided here, but since when does a stocker automatically mean a newbie?

Been going to URE since 1991, never had anything with tires bigger than 35s. Have 33s now, and yes, it is a DD.

If everybody would act like they have some sense, get out of the way when needed, none of these problems would exist. Add beer and dumbasses, throw a little mud in, and see whatcha come up with....
Wow I didn't expect to see all these responses when I came back from work. Let me clarify a few things for those wondering:

1.)First and fore most I have no issues with Big Dixie Boggers or any other CLUB on here. My use of group was to define a number of people, not a 4x4 Club. Some of them are on here, and none to my knowledge are in a 4x4 club.

2.)Notice at the beginning I said:

And notice I am not saying all are like this, but I am seeing it more and more.

Not every guy with a more built rig is an asshole. I didn't say that, nor did I imply it. My comments are made from observations over the last 2 wheeling seasons compared to the years before that I wheeled at Uwharrie. Also I wasn't at the big event last weekend, so I am not making any references to that trip.

There are a couple guys in our group that have well built rigs, and they are just as nice as the lesser modified guys etc. In my opinion (again not fact my opinion) I think the beer/alcohol factor has a lot to do with it. I drink myself on occasion, but I don't mix it with wheeling/driving.

3.)Those that say we don't need to be having threads like these, they are what give ammunition to activists etc. By talking about the issues hopefully we can resolve ones like the beer can/littering. If (which I highly doubt) URE was ever closed because of litter issues etc, someone would be saying why didn't we talk about this and work to fix it?

Beyond that I understand there are 2 sides to every story, and I will admit stock guys aren't perfect either. And like the one story stated about the smiling/laughing a lot of it is about perception. A lot of people perceive the bigger rig guys as having attitudes right off the bat because of the bad apples in the bunch that give way to dare I say a stereotype. And the thing is that its becoming more true as time goes on at Uwharrie. I think some people forget that we are all out there to have fun, and we need to remember some common courtesies.

Those that made comments about the camaraderie aspect of wheeling at Uwharrie hit it right on the head. Hopefully more people will come away from this thread as a reminder that we are all out there to have fun, and not to let the asshats ruin it for the rest of us. And maybe a big message would be, you don't have to be drinking to have fun on the trails at Uwharrie. And when you do drink and wheel (and litter) you not only ruin it for the people there that you encounter, you ruin it for everyone when the trails get closed.
:rolleyes:Make sure you bring a tow strap if you wheelin' with Ol' Jeeps, RedneckCJ5guy or BigAZZBURBAN...:flipoff2: They cain't Drive fer :poop:....:shaking: I'm sure therez a few others I'm fergettin' :driver: ... I'm just sayin'...

bigAZZBURBAN is a :poop:head. I've seen him attempt to drive at Mtn. City and fail epically. haha
Didnt read the whole thread. I agree on some of the things.

Some poeple come off as pricks. ( Way of nature ). some people think there shit dont stink. some people bitch. some people drink.

As far as i am concerned Just be respectful, Keep your trash up. and dont do nothing crazy. if you dont like a group of people. get away from them. Its simple, dont spend your time 4x4ing pissed off or upset. Enjoy it.

I'll be the first to say i drink when im up there. Theres a cooler in the back of the Jeep usually, But I am riding with a friend. I get out and watch people on the rocks ( Beer in hand ).

I do hate how people throw there trash on the ground up in UNF ( Not just beer ) I actually pick up trash when i see it. Or if i see someone throw something out, I like to pick it up and toss it back into there ride lol.

I know your not suppose to have a open container. but i enjoy it, I also respect others, keep trash in the trash, pick up others trash.
Here is my .02.
I have noticed some of what you are talking about over the last few years as well. However, I really don't think its attributed to a particular rig type. I believe that behavior and attitude are directly proportionate to intelligence quotient. This same type of argument used to happen years ago between Mud wheelers and "Rock-crawlers". Rock-crawling at that time required some forward thinking and "smarts" to prepare a proper rig and had kind of a higher purpose to wheeling beyond just raising hell and slangin mud. Those of us who figured out a long time ago that "mud-slinging" gets old, is just mindless thrashing, and requires a ton of maintenance were a smaller group of like minded folks. I think now the learning curve is catching up to society, attributed to the exponentially growing popularity and exposure of Rock-crawling as a motor sport. IOW it's "cool" to be a crawler now and mud is dwindling in popularity. Therefore, more of the type of folks that are drawn to raising hell and ignorant behavior are discovering our sport and wanting to show us how its done. "Aw, you dont need all that fancy shit to be a crawler just hit the gas...I had 44" gumbos on 10 bolts for years and never broke'em". I say who cares what and how you wheel as long as you behave like you have some Southern Hospitality

NOTICE: All that being said, I am NOT bashing mud wheeling. I went through that stage when I was 16 and loved every minute of it (I'm sure most all of us did), but that was almost 15 years ago. I would love to have a big stupid mud truck (and I use that term affectionately) on 44's w/ a alcohol burning big block under the hood. But there is a time and place. I am also not saying that all mud wheelers are idiots, cause they are not. I am merely trying to draw parallels to the subject of this thread.
Didnt read the whole thread. I agree on some of the things.
Some poeple come off as pricks. ( Way of nature ). some people think there shit dont stink. some people bitch. some people drink.
As far as i am concerned Just be respectful, Keep your trash up. and dont do nothing crazy. if you dont like a group of people. get away from them. Its simple, dont spend your time 4x4ing pissed off or upset. Enjoy it.
I'll be the first to say i drink when im up there. Theres a cooler in the back of the Jeep usually, But I am riding with a friend. I get out and watch people on the rocks ( Beer in hand ).
I do hate how people throw there trash on the ground up in UNF ( Not just beer ) I actually pick up trash when i see it. Or if i see someone throw something out, I like to pick it up and toss it back into there ride lol.
I know your not suppose to have a open container. but i enjoy it, I also respect others, keep trash in the trash, pick up others trash.

Well said. :beer:
Hey, gamedog, sometimes you got to sling a little mug here on the east side, but I hate it when I get mud in my :beer: LOL, Just kidding

east side? haha this aint crooklin...

Nah, but yeah no doubt. And the interstate hole will always have a place in my heart;)

...hey mud I can handle, fruit on the other hand...
east side? haha this aint crooklin...
Nah, but yeah no doubt. And the interstate hole will always have a place in my heart;)
...hey mud I can handle, fruit on the other hand...
Don't say fruit or D man will try to go hunting on the trail next time.....:flipoff2:
Dylan hunts for deer with oranges, sorry to butt into you guys joking around. Everytime someone metions oranges or fruit I get a mental picture of Dylan throwing them at the deer.
Only rigs I've picked on/laughed at are those $40,000 fresh off the showroom floor Land Rovers! They weren't doing anything wrong or in the way, just can't imagine spending that kind of money and getting it muddy!

That's what I love about this sport though. Anyone with just about anything can come out and have a great time. I feel connected to the community and have made more friends in the last month than I have in the last 6 years.
Dylan hunts for deer with oranges, sorry to butt into you guys joking around. Everytime someone metions oranges or fruit I get a mental picture of Dylan throwing them at the deer.

oh hahaha...thats funny. Nah man join the joke, I just didnt get it.:beer: