Good grief - another Malaysian airlines 777 down

FWIW News on the radio claimed that the Rebels had claimed to shot down another Ukrainian military plane within an hour after MH17 going down. Posted it on a twitter page, and it was promptly removed when the news broke. As said earlier, not many missile systems can bring down a plane at that altitude. The weapons system is probably in russia by now, and the man who made the call probably already dead.
Igor Girkin would have made the call. i doubt he gets swept under the rug. The man is something of a Hero in Ukraine, their George Washington if you will.

Russia's consiracy theories are just as plausible as Ukraine's. And thats probably all that they will ever be.

Putin is watching right now. Gaging our reaction. Obama wont react, He knows Obama has two years left. If i had designs on attacking the US i'd do it now. We are unprepared for war. Unwilling to go to war, and have a leader who is unable to fight a war.

The Eu cant react, they rely on Russia for natural gas. So if they cant, and we wont, who will?

The next president better be suited up for a hell of a ride.