Got a couple of questions

1) People were pumped for a new event last year AND the fact that it was on the trails at Uwharrie made it special. Same as going to Tellico or Moab, when you say you ran the race and totaled it on Kodak people know what you're talking about. When you say you totaled it behind Johnny's barn it kinda loses something! (plus the economy stinks and the sherrifs were rude and hateful to the spectators)

2) My rig goes SLOW, not fast :) Personally I didn't care for the race after the venue last year. Too much dirt, mud, walking, drunks, no seats, etc. The rocks course has little appeal for me (my rig is too small for the rock pile so you knock a lot of people out that would liketo try it.. I would have liked to try it, but I don't have a big ole buggy to run it with.) and I'm not a mud guy.

3) No

4) Probably not (see #2). I don't even know what the spectator fee is but for me to come it would have to be in the $5-10 range. If it's $20+ (per day) I definately won't be there.

Nothing personal at all. Like Adam I applaud the effort Johnny and Ricky are putting into making something happen and I wish them success!
Sorry about stealing your answer JC, but it does kinda run
parallel to mine with the addition of the bold text.
From the website for those interested.

Entry and Camping Fee's per Person
-$30 Weekend entry and camping Pass
-$25 Weekend entry only Pass
-$10 single Day entry Fee
-$3 Single Day Parking Fee (All Money brought in from Parking
goes to Uwharrie Volunteer Fire Department)
Children that have to be carried in (ie: Infants) get free entry
Children 10 years old and younger get in for $5 a day rather than
the $10 a day entry fee
Ok, I didn't go last year but wish I had. I guess I'm a little confused though to be honest. Last year the event was actually on the trails, but this year it will be at the stables which are across from the Outpost?? The costs of the event are for the events being held at the stables only, and don't include trail passes for unf? Camping fees and parking only apply at the stables and not at the actual ohv park?
From the website for those interested.
Entry and Camping Fee's per Person
-$30 Weekend entry and camping Pass
-$25 Weekend entry only Pass
-$10 single Day entry Fee
-$3 Single Day Parking Fee (All Money brought in from Parking
goes to Uwharrie Volunteer Fire Department)
Children that have to be carried in (ie: Infants) get free entry
Children 10 years old and younger get in for $5 a day rather than
the $10 a day entry fee

Someone post a link for us newbs.

Ok, I didn't go last year but wish I had. I guess I'm a little confused though to be honest. Last year the event was actually on the trails, but this year it will be at the stables which are across from the Outpost?? The costs of the event are for the events being held at the stables only, and don't include trail passes for unf? Camping fees and parking only apply at the stables and not at the actual ohv park?

That is correct.
Actually it is wuite simple and straightforward, just think of it this way - this event has nothing to do with the Uwharrie National Forest.
The name of the place is the Uwharrie Stables and it is in the Uwharrie mountain area. That is the only connection.
A day trail pass for the UNF is $5. Last year trail and camping fees at the UNF were seperate too. That is no different.

I'm still thinking of it as being on "a trail", it's just not deep in the woods like it was before.

I will likely camp at either Arrowhead or the stables, and also buy a $5 UNF pass so I can enjoy both venues.

Re: admission is only $10 for spectators. The price of a movie or 2 beers but a whole day's entertainment.
Reasons I didn't enter last year and haven't this year:

1) Cost of entry fee. I would rather spend the money on improvements to my vehicles.

2) Neither of my vehicles fit well into any of the categories to be even close to competitive.

3) I just like to wheel. If I am going to load up and go wheeling, I want to drive for more than 1-2 minutes.

4) I don't like crowds.
By controlled race, I meant that it will be easier to keep track of racers on course and moving them off course will be much less time consuming and complicated.

There should be plenty of porta pottys on hand.

There wont be near as much law enforcement, due to the fact that they are not selling beer. There will be horse mounted security people.

Ok, so it is in a field, but aside from the trees, it's not much different than the forest.

As far as seating goes, There are bleachers this year, that would hold probably 300 people. If thats not good you can always bring a folding chair or two.
I will probably try to make it. Besides, it will be easier to tow my new rig home when I win!!
Did send in my $25 for the weekend only pass to them this morning!! So now I have a place to stay (Arrowhead/my camper) and a ticket to go watch the fun!

Track looks pretty sweet, watched the video this morning!!