Got my Trailer hauler in the making!!

Come on.
Really we are going to rehash the benefit or a trailer?

Nah if Im going wheeling my rigs rides there and back. No worrying about breaking, more comfortable ride.

I think some folks just like fucking with people, in which case. Carry on.
Reminds me of a member here that showed up at The Farm pulling a similar xj behind a zj on a single axle trailer. I wouldn't let him drive home like that and it was only 15 miles at most.
^^^ why not drive it there? I've driven 4 hours to Tellico years ago, wheeled Lower 2, slick rock, helicopter pad, etc, then drove home multiple times. Just be prepared with knowing your weak links and be able to address them. It was fun and added a level of finess that is lost today with the rigs that don't have to r able to drive home after.

Hell, an ECORS racer even drove his DD rig to the race, raced it, an drove it home 6+ hours!
Good Points but you missed the post about how i've been doing that all my life and now am ready to do what i've never done..."trailer my Jeep so i can really beat on it some" i've learned for 15years how to "finess" i guess pretty descent but now i wanna push my jeep farther than ever and trailering has been my goal for a while now!!
plus too making a rig "streetable" cost a lot more money and time to get everything just right for all different speeds and even though mine is right now, I wanna be able to try more difficult terrain. and unlike others, i don't like to fix anything on the trail...not too much fun..getting unstuck is one thing but spending hours in rain/heat/mud/rocks/etc..fixing crap is not my liking!!
I pulled my rig with the wrong type of trail (like yours) I was horrible! !!!!!! Would never do it again, and I only pulled 40min away!!! Got a "car" trailer!! I would pull that thing to CA!!

If you don't have a way to pull the trailer, why not take some time to clean that one up ie new tires fresh paint... then sell it to a landscape company and put that money to a truck or trailer??

That trailer cleaned up would probably bring 1500!! And a nice car trailer is 1800....
i'm holding my fingers crossed....tomorrow morning i might be trading my volvo for 99 F150 XLT 4x4 ext cab tow package, motors sounds strong as horse, tranny fluid very clean and shifts real smooth, TONS of power considering size of the truck and motor, hardly no rust, clean frame, drivetrain seems very intact, 4x4 works good...i'm waiting on other guy to test drive my volvo and i hope he likes it cause i've claimed that truck in my heart!! so tomorrow i might have the Tow Vehicle which would put me at full trailering capability!!
If you don't have a way to pull the trailer, why not take some time to clean that one up ie new tires fresh paint... then sell it to a landscape company and put that money to a truck or trailer??

That trailer cleaned up would probably bring 1500!! And a nice car trailer is 1800...
well, i went to local steel/welding shop here, showed him what i got and what i wanna do with it and he drew out what i should do as far as trailer goes to be plenty safe for XJ at least and totalled me up 89.00 worth of materials to put on it to reinforce the bottom good enough for jeep. so i can't complain, i will have that in a week. it has new tires and bearings already and half the floor will be replaced soon. as far as axles go, for now i will be fine until i can save up 580 for set of 3000lb axles.
as far as trailer brakes go...i see many car haulers don't have them so what's that all about since it's supposed to be mandatory by NC Law to have at least one axle with brakes?
my neighbor has one sitting at bottom of driveway and drive by it everyday but don't see anything mounted at/on/near tongue of it and couldn't see anything on the axles either but i guess some have small electric brakes maybe??? and another guy i know who bought one recently 18ft says it doesn't have any either to his surprise (but he got good deal on it so bought it anyways). weird!
First off if your planning on towing vehicles with no brakes on your trailer with a 1/2ton pickup your asking for problems.

2nd there is no way in HELL your buddy towed 10k or even 6k on that trailer. I have a 5ton hudson commercial equip trailer that weighs 3k alone that i tow 10k on. Brakes on both axles and upgraded brakes on the superduty that tows it.
well i guess he's not the brightest bulb in the chandelier (me neither lol) but i know he's crazy enough to locally. i haven't seen him but i know he would like many people would. i see people towing all kinds of stuff on these type trailers which up until i got this one, did not know it was "landscape" trailer..i thought trailer was trailer and Tandem axle was Tandem axle. but now i know. and the brakes thing, i ain't tryin to race down mountains me old i guess but yeah..i'm that slow poke towing stuff in the right lane being very cautious driver when all the diesels fly by me flippin the bird...fine with me. i ain't tryin to impress. Till this day, none of my 3 tahoes ever gave me any issues pulling 6000lb boat back years ago constatly and cars so i'm sure this ford i'm looking at is much better capable (i know it is) so it will suit me fine.
I towed my buggy on a car hauler without brakes. But, I have a F350. This means the truck has the brakes to stop it.

To tow a vehicle without brakes on a trailer, you need the right truck. Never mind the engine power, you need to be able to STOP!

Spend a few $ to have a safe trailer or sufficient truck for your safety and everyone around you on the road.

There was a thread years ago that showed pictures of wrecks where the truck didn't have the brakes to stop the load. Pretty scary!
The brake conversation isnt about speed. Even at 25mph when you try to stop for a stop sign/red light the load tries to push the truck. I am positive you are a great driver, everyone on the internet is. But what happens when you are doing your thing poking along at 45mph and some dumbass blind grandma pulls out from her driveway 250' in front of you? Its happened to me and Im sure its happened to you as well. With a railer behind you all kinds of bad joojoo happens there.

The tahoe you had almost certainly weighed more than that F150 which actually helped you out.

Also I would just about bet if you had a 6,000 lb boat (thats a big sucker. My 19' Ranger bass boat with the 150hp Johnson weighed lesss than 2,500lbs) it had surge brakes built into the trailer tonuge. Almost all of them do.

Finally no one is saying your buddy isnt crazy/extreme/hardore enough to put 10,000lbs on that trailer. What I am sayoing is IF he put 10,000lbs on it. The side rails would bend/snap, the tires would pop and axle would be permanently bent.

Think about 10,000 lbs for a second. A stock 1990 Cherokoee weighs 3,100 lbs. Do you think that trailer would hold up if you stacked 3 cherokees on top of it?
I know it wouldnt.

Ive got a home built trailer. The entire outer frame is made out of 3" C channel.It uses 2" C chennel for the cross braces and has 10 of them over 18 ft. When we built it we ran a 3" I beam up the center standing up for tortional stiffness. It has 2 6,000 lb braking axles. I've hauled just over 12,000 lbs on that trailer once and it held it fine, however you could see the metal deflecting slightly under the load and the tires were HOT even at 60psi. Hot enough that we stopped every 40 miles or so and let them cool down to prevent a blow out.

Again I am NOT bashing you. I applaud you wanting to get a trailer and tow rig, God knows it is the best way to enjoy wheeling further destinations. ust dont alwyas jup at the first/cheapest thing you see. Take time to find the RIGHT fit for the application.
i have a driveable capable jeep but anyone in the right mind doesn't drive hours away and really test out their limits knowing they have to drive hours back home...
Ahem..... Me. :flipoff2: I've driven an XJ hard enough to break an AW4 in half and still made it across two states!
Brakes are important. Especially Living In The Mountains. Stop being hard headed.
Sell that trailer and buy a car trailer.
oh believe me i know and am well aware of dangers of i said this ain't my first rodeo. the Ford has F&R Disc brakes which is nice upgrade from a Tahoe and so far seems to stop way way better than the tahoes i had. Guys i appreciate the advise and such, I really do, however i've decided to keep it, use it wisely, put some bigger axles with one being brake at least, and the Ford i'm very happy with. found out it has the better of the 5.4 (without cam phaser issues crap), towing package with (HUGE lol) trans cooler and power steering cooler, big ass rear diff whatever that thing is LMAO, and real clean inside and out. in my eyes, i'm comparing this Ford to my 3 Tahoes as far as power/towing/braking/and its nice to have the extra "bed" that i've never had. I've managed with Tahoes all my life but never could find a deal on extended cab truck for family and for towing/hauling my stuff but now i have and i'm jumping on it. It's not that i'm hard headed my financial life and hardships i have to take what i can get with what little i work with and i appreciate everything The Lord sends my way and as long as i've been waiting to have this kind of setup...this is my opportunity that doesn't come around much often to have trailer and truck available that both meed "my" needs for towing. I don't think you guys realize i'm like a little kid waiting up xmas eve or disney world LOL to be able to come down to the park next weekend. I've been waiting 15 years for this day to come and i'm still praying the wife will be blessed with healing and strength to venture out away from home.
ohh boy am i ready to test it and to meet heart is racing while typing this. everyone will know if i made it cause well look at my can't miss this XJ LOL. hope to see you there too. i'm sure i won't have to go looking to meet people as most people on here have been (i'm sure) dying to meet me/see me/ and place bets on how quick i brake the jeep lol...but hope to dissapoint least for couple hours anyway. I for sure am not gonna bust it all to pieces since i def can't afford to fix it but at least i won't have to baby it for the first time and look forward to seeing what these tires can do down at 0psi on some of the more rocky/rough terrains.
it's a good thing i'm not out to impress people or please people on the trail otherwise i wouldn't last very long with these type setups i run on xjs. sticking to what i do and desire to accomplish with known limits is what has kept my jeeps in one piece all these years but now i have something i've never had and really ready to test: True 4WD!! that's new to me and my local trail doesn't have anything to really put it to the test
yep 5. the housing measures right at 2" so i guess they are 2000lb.