Gotta love HOA's...


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
lumber for outdoor project

Was looking for some cheap treated lumber to use on some fencing and ran across this...

I may make an offer but the labor to take it down kinda offsets the price of just buying new.

But allllllot of time wasted here! I'd be mad. And some kid will be crying.
Sucks! that's pretty sweet...
I am sure they gave the plans to the HOA first and had it all approved before starting construction. :shaking:

Exactly, they knew they were in an HOA, they knew they should have run it by them first. They are idiots.
I am sure they gave the plans to the HOA first and had it all approved before starting construction. :shaking:

Being in Durham, bet you didn't see the one that was on Sharron Road on the right as you cross 70? My neighbor told me about it said it was a friend of his. Dude put it beside his house where in Durham, all outbuildings must be behind the house. Dude built the most immaculate tree house I've ever seen. Neighbor said it was plumbed and wired and finished and I heard he was being forced to take it down. Said he spent like 20k all said and done.:shaking:

Holy shit. That thing is really nice. Really a shame for all the time & effort wasted. Hopefully he can find somebody that can take it as a whole piece.

And yeah - when searching for homes we automatically excluded any with an HOA.
That thing is bad ass.


Maybe a trip to Raleigh this weekend is in order. :)

We have HOA, but there are ZERO rules restricting kid toys, etc and a playhouse is just that! Exempt. I would imagine theirs would be too but guess not.
Curious @rockcity. How would you go about it? I imagine with a chainsaw in some way. I've loaded and hauled a lot of crazy shit but this looks pretty challenging???

Of course if anyone sees this rolling down towards Greenville we know THAT story...:beer:

Trade secret. ;)

Years and years of complex industrial rigging experience... This is a piece of cake. :)

Mind if I come and watch?:burnout:
This may be about as good as watching my neighbor take down some ji-mungous pine trees (60-70'+) with boot spikes with strap belt and a machete over the weekend. Dude was good! And had balls of steel. I had a lot to do but I couldn't look away... Especially after seeing him do the chest cross before topping them. They'd sway 10' back and forth as he held on.
Mind if I come and watch?:burnout:
This may be about as good as watching my neighbor take down some ji-mungous pine trees (60-70'+) with boot spikes with strap belt and a machete over the weekend. Dude was good! And had balls of steel. I had a lot to do but I couldn't look away... Especially after seeing him do the chest cross before topping them. They'd sway 10' back and forth as he held on.

Be warned, you may end up with a tool in your hand and be put to work! ;)

I just don't know how tall it actually is. May need to take the penthouse off. Looks pretty easy as it looks like it is a standalone structure set right on top of the main framing.
Cyd saw this thing a month or two ago when it was first listed. It's super cool... but if Rob wants it, he can have it. We decided that hauling it off would be more of a PITA than it was worth. :lol:
The boss said NO. But when is the last time I really did what she said. :)

The girls already have a cool playhouse so it's likely I'd not even commit to the tree house even if it was still available.
Cyd saw this thing a month or two ago when it was first listed. It's super cool... but if Rob wants it, he can have it. We decided that hauling it off would be more of a PITA than it was worth. :lol:

Months ago? I bet the fines are stacking up then! I'd say the price would be very negotiable at this point.

Never paid much attention, but just looked back and the last couple HOA description's I've include on subdivisions excludes any detached outbuildings period. Only fencing is allowed and it has to be pre-approved. But the lots are cut so close and footprints are so maxed out that there's no room for additional impervious anyways. Developers are cutting them as close as possible now days. The days of "tree houses" may be long gone soon.

"Grandpa, tell us about your house in the trees again".
HOAs can be funny...

So long as my kid's playhouse is pink, it's OK. Once I paint it another color and start using it as storage, I can't have it as outbuildings are supposed to match the house.
I wonder if it could be disassembled in sections and hauled off and rebuilt. Hmmmmm.

I looked at that. Problem is the main structure trusses extend beyond the exterior walls (as they should) and cause the overall width to be 13'+. No way to remove it reasonably to haul it without an oversize permit. However, the penthouse looks like it is easily removed in case it is over 13'-6" height restriction
As mentioned in the ad, I'd figure the biggest thing about moving it whole or in major sections is weight. It's not like a couple of guys can just pick it up and move it. You'll need some heavy equipment to lift and load it. But its in a fenced in yard so access may be an issue.

The point is, I'd bet dude has talked to lots of people about possibilities for removing it already.
But now I want to see Rob do it for the sake of all of our education.
I just want to know where they got all those cedar posts.
I'm talking about turning it into a giant jigsaw puzzle, like breaking it into walls and roof sections, that I can fit on my flatbed trailer and haul home and reassemble. They are only like 10 minutes from my house.
I'm talking about turning it into a giant jigsaw puzzle, like breaking it into walls and roof sections, that I can fit on my flatbed trailer and haul home and reassemble. They are only like 10 minutes from my house.


The main floor would probably have to be sacrificed for the most part. But the rest could be cut into pieces.