

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2006
I’m looking to get approx 15 yards of #57 and 9ish yards of ABC. What’s the best/cheapest way to do this. When I was doing this back in Raleigh (at 1 Ton per trip) I would go directly to the quarry. The quarries in Charlotte don’t allow this and require hefty insurance to get in. I could go with landscape yard but it seems like there would be a big up charge. My current thought is to find an independent truck and have them pick it up and deliver.

Also, what is the legality of having them dump it in my cul-de-sac and shuttling it into the yard with skid-steer? Don’t want to crack the driveway.
Sounds like you need to move out of communist Charlotte :popcorn:

@rodney eppes may have some incite as to who to contact to do exactly what you said (hire a driver/hauler)
Sounds like you need to move out of communist Charlotte :popcorn:

@rodney eppes may have some incite as to who to contact to do exactly what you said (hire a driver/hauler)
This for the backyard? I'd just have Lanier Matls bring you a short truck or two and back around on the garage side. I really doubt their 25-30k pound truck will crack it.
This for the backyard? I'd just have Lanier Matls bring you a short truck or two and back around on the garage side. I really doubt their 25-30k pound truck will crack it.
Yeah it’s for the back. Would really hate to crack the driveway. But getting it back there from the get go would be ideal.
My neighbor has a dump trailer and is delivering materials to people. If you want a quote from him send me a message.
Yes, 1 ton per load or so, gets expensive too! I haven't heard of the Charlotte Quarries, Not letting private owners in & High insurance. Maybe something new! I seldom work out of Charlotte. Lake Norman Quarry, still has pick ups & small trailers come in. As per dumping in the street, as long as it's not a HOA [check with them], or a heavy traveled street, it's done. I deliver to a lot of Pool installers. Many times the yard is not largest enough to store stone, so we dump in the street, only blocking 1 lane. But, in Subdivisions & cul-de-sacs, with low traffic flow. Contractor is expected to have it moved the same day.
Last price I was quoted, was 15 ton ABC = $480, & 15 ton # 67 = $600. That was about 6 months back. Doubt it has changed.
I have a dump trailer and deliver product as a side business. I also rent it out to people I know but at 15yds that's a lot of trips with a dump trailer. I would try and get the largest truck back there to dump close as possible.