I'm not sure I'm following your arguement... Is that to say that those that do not own a gun are anti-gun by default? As the other poster said, the gun is just a tool. It isn't inherently good or bad - therefore where I see the middle ground. I don't feel that everyone should own one, but those who choose to and are metally balenced law abiding citizens should be allowed to if they so choose.
Cars are not inherently good or evil either, but that doesn't stop people from using them to hurt others, too. There is a case here in Lexington of a rather hot-headed individual that got into an argument with someone in line for an ATM. Words were exchanged and this guy pins the other between their two trucks crushing some internal organs and placing him in intensive care at the hospital. He used what he had. If I had to guess, if he had a gun on him, he would have pulled it. If he had a knife handy, he may have pulled it, too.
Now, that being said... there is another side of this that has always bugged me. For the longest time - and I think it's being addressed now in the court system is the right to protect your personal property. I remember several court cases in Detroit when I lived there of someone breaking into someone's house, getting shot in the process and then suing the homeowner. That's just straight up B.S. It is my contention that if someone is breaking into your house armed or not, deserves to be dispatched with extreme prejudice. At that point, they are breaking and entering and they forfeited their rights the minute the threshold was crossed. I guess that would make me pro-gun. I still won't get one, though.
Since you have already stated that you know nothing about firearms - it would lead me to believe that you know nothing of their use or their effectiveness in reducing crime. AN armed society is a polite society. Did you know that the state of Utah has the highest per-capita of CCW holders and they also have the lowest per-capita crime rate.
Washington DC had effectively banned all firearms from the city. Guess who had the highest crime rate in the nation.
I carry a gun daily. My work involves dealing with cash and everyone knows that I carry that cash. They also know that I carry a gun. NC is an open carry state and I wear it right on my hip for God and everyone to see. I have never had a problem even in the worst neighbor hoods in Charlotte.
Many years ago my ex wife and I were leaving church after service one night. It was pitch dark. As I pulled out of the parking lot, for whatever reason I turned left and instead of going in to my lane I cut it short in to the oncoming lane. When I did a black mustang - with no headlights on shot past my passengers side at over 100 MPH. About a mile down the road he was waiting in a parking lot. As I passed he pulled out behind me and tailgated me to a stoplight. Due to traffic I had to stop. He pulled up next to me and came around the front of his car with a large knife in his hand. I simply turned on my dome light and placed my .45 on the dash. HE put the knife away and got in his car, ran the light, and sped away.
What would have happened had I not been armed? He would have smashed the window and I would have been helpless to escape.
Now tell me that firearms are all dangerous and people just shoot up the city because they have one.
Would the altercation at the ATM have been different had the victim had a firearm. Absolutely.
The constitution clearly states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." The original wording to that amendment was, "A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
IT is very clear that the framers of the constitution intended for an armed populace to be a deterrent to tyranny.
Alexander Hamilton :
f circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude[,] that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens,”
Noah Webster :Before a standing army can rule the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States.
The private citizen being armed is not only to prevent crime, it is to protect the citizenry from those in government who would rule over us with an iron fist. The anti-gunners persistent ongoing efforts to remove firearms from the people is nothing more than an attempt to control the people. If no one can resist then no one can hinder their ideals.
My firearms are more than just a way to protect my family, they are to protect my country, not necessarily from the forces of evil outside the country, but from that evil that lurks deep in government and seeks to take all of our freedoms and liberty’s away. They have eroded enough already. It is high time for the people of this country to realize that big government wants your guns, so they can have you.