Hide Your Guns. Obama's coming

Cutting the ammo supply will be the governments first move at this issue. ie....The supply of .22 ammo over the past few years. Drive prices up and there will be less people with ammo lying around to defend from these government assholes. I only wish big O would knock on my front door and ask for all my guns.
Aside from searching every home, how would anyone be able to forcibly take what they don't know you have. ;)
By continuing the propaganda machine already winning hearts and minds of the weak and young indoctrinated populace and then ask them to "see something/say something".
They would call 1800badguns and drop a dime on you to the ministry of non-violence and you would have a 2am visit from a team. Your own kids or friends would do it for the greater good don't you know.
I don't believe or police or soldiers would be willing to do take our guns. I do think Obama would have nato soldiers to enforce an executive order

SC I-26 monday

They won't find mine. If they do, and they're not big enough, no worries. The feds will bring some over that is.
This is an example of how our own youth sees the world due to parents allowing the state to educate their most valued possessions.

The young women in an undergraduate class I was required to take for my Master’s—a class which, being in the social sciences, consisted almost entirely of women—were virtually all in favor of a definition of actionably offensive speech that went something like this: “speech that offends any person in the subjective sense, rather than speech that is in fact objectively offensive.” In vain I stood up in front of the 100-or-so students, most of them around twenty years younger than I, to ask what the limits of this might be, to suggest that it was wrong to allow the most sensitive among us to dictate what was unacceptable, and to speak up for free speech in general. I was met with uncomprehending stares and impatient dismissal, a fossil in my own time.

I realized that something was terribly, terribly wrong. Not one person appeared to agree with me, or if they did they weren’t saying so publicly or privately. And the professor, a woman just a couple of years younger than I, was clearly on their side. I have never forgotten it, and although at the time I didn’t put it in a political left/right context (that came later), I realized it was a frightening development and it made me feel very, very uneasy and quite alone.

I homeschooled my daughter. She is in college now. While I am sure my instruction at times in advanced math may have lacked LOL, she is a well rounded girl who is not a fucking zombie collectivist and I will take that every time over perfect calculus and Spanish.
I have seen several of those un apc's rolling down i40 . Remember folks we don't know what's good for us. We are just the ignorant working class that is looked down upon. Our politicians despise us.
Not all publicaly educated kids will be that way.Kids that have a relationship w their parents are gonna be more apt to believe the way their parents do versus what they taught in school.I agree that theirs is a lot of brain washing goin on at our colleges,but not everybody is drinkin the Kool aid.
I have seen several of those un apc's rolling down i40 . Remember folks we don't know what's good for us. We are just the ignorant working class that is looked down upon. Our politicians despise us.
I bet they're headed to those closed Walmarts in Texas.
I have seen several of those un apc's rolling down i40 . Remember folks we don't know what's good for us. We are just the ignorant working class that is looked down upon. Our politicians despise us.

you guys know that UN folks come here so we can train them, right? plus we do a lot of vehicle testing, construction, etc. Somebody hs to do it, I'd think you;d rather we be in charge than somebody else, right?

I don't trust people either but your tin foil hats may be a little tight on the UN issue.
you guys know that UN folks come here so we can train them, right? plus we do a lot of vehicle testing, construction, etc. Somebody hs to do it, I'd think you;d rather we be in charge than somebody else, right?

I don't trust people either but your tin foil hats may be a little tight on the UN issue.

err...whose fawking tax dollars are being spent to ship those big bastards over there so the UN can train in them? if we build them here, why not rent them out to "UN TROOPS" to train in.

and without googling this, the UN troops are predominately american troops, but whose command are they under?
Ponder on this thought for a moment. It most likely wont be the military coming to sieze personal weapons. We swore an oath to support and defend the constituition of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

A majority of the US military are right sided, moderately conservatives. I would bet that most of us own personal weapons. On top of that, there are only about 1.5 mil currently serving between ALL branches and components. Think about how many veterans we have. Military trained that still (for the most part) will uphold that oath eventhough they may not be in uniform anymore. Even under martial law, I doubt there would be the ability to deny constitutional rights. I feel that that would be an unlawful order.
^^^ Yes sir. I know many many ex military men from the age of 25-70 that you wouldn't want to mess with. Especially when it comes to taking a weapon from one.
Ponder on this thought for a moment. It most likely wont be the military coming to sieze personal weapons. We swore an oath to support and defend the constituition of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

A majority of the US military are right sided, moderately conservatives. I would bet that most of us own personal weapons. On top of that, there are only about 1.5 mil currently serving between ALL branches and components. Think about how many veterans we have. Military trained that still (for the most part) will uphold that oath eventhough they may not be in uniform anymore. Even under martial law, I doubt there would be the ability to deny constitutional rights. I feel that that would be an unlawful order.

This is exactly how many of my friends from the Army and I feel. If shit hits the fan I'll go to the closest NG armory and ask if they want me to help. Some think it's a dumb movie but I know I'm pretty well trained and i can still shoot pretty good. I know most the POGs will not know how to get a ma-Duce up and firing or a mk-19 or maneuver worth a damn. I mean infantrymen love that kinda stuff. I've already started stocking up on ammo and looking at purchasing a few weapons. Explaining to people to pick weapons that feel damn near the same, ambidextrous controls, and very similar controls is key. Learning how to shoot off hand and no matter where you are in a stack is very important. They look at me like I'm thinking way to much into it or I'm just crazy. Personally I just like being prepared.

My oldest sister is starting her last 2 semesters in college this spring. She started attending a university this past spring, and it's obvious she's gotten more and more liberal and has this I'm better than anyone attitude. Straight up told me to my face that I needed to get out of my comfort zone while in college and hang out with other people. I looked her square in the eye and told her you've lived in 2 towns in NC, I've lived in 3 different states, the infantry platoon is the most diverse in the military, and you're trying to tell me this shit?

My brother in law, her husband is a deputy here in Pitt county, he was in the marines but has switched over to army reserves as a 42A. First time I met him after I was I t he Army he shook my hand and told me he was a POG and laughed how they haven't done anything combat related since him being in boot camp. He went to Afghanistan for a year never left a FOB but my sister started boasting he got a bronze star, he explained to her it was his campaign star on his campaign medal. I seriously think college makes some people dumb as hell.
NG is title 32. We are under control of the state unless activated for federal missions with the consent of the governor. Look which side our governor is on.
NG is title 32. We are under control of the state unless activated for federal missions with the consent of the governor. Look which side our governor is on.
We aint sure which side he's on either.
Hell, he hasn't even joined the governors calling for a hold on new terrori......ahem, refugees.
Hmmm, must have seen something and read it wrong. Good for him. At least he did that right.