How do I get it home?


Samurai Frogger
Mar 21, 2005
Stokes Co. NC
I have an opportunity to buy a portable military tower trailer.
Disgustingly cheap I might add.
How can I get it home with out getting tags and all first?
If I go look at it and buy it I'd prefer to bring it home then.

And .... does anyone make a pintle that will slide into my reese hitch?


Trip tag!?
I have not had a tag on one of my trailers in 3-4 years and have not been pulled yet. I pull it probably 1k miles a year. I know if I'm caught I'll probably get a ticket but I'm willing to take that chance.
Take a tag off of a trailer you have and put it on there
I don't know what this thing is, but I'm of the understanding that you can tow a trailer without tags as long as it does not contain anything. Ie. You can tow a pigcooker without tags, so long as it doesn't contain the pig.
I'd just tow it home with the title and a dated bill of sale.

If the trailer is considered a "tool" it doesn't need a tag, if it carries property it does.

A tow behind air compressor, welder, or pig cooker for instance needs no tag. The second you leave an air hose or impact gun, a spare roll of welding wire, the pig, a bag of charcoal, etc on the "tool" it's now carrying property and will need a tag.

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An implement doesn't require tags any trailer hooked to a farm truck is good without tags, I've never had tags run on a trailer every time I'm stopped or at a check they just look to make sure it's back there when on the personal truck
About four years ago I noticed the tag on my utility trailer was about to fall off. I ripped it the rest of the way off and threw it in the back floorboard of my truck. Every year I dig around back there, find it, put the new registration sticker on it, then put it back on the floorboard, LOL.
Thanks for the replies and the link guys!
