How do you catch a bullfrog?

add several pounds of sea salt or plain table salt to the water, it will irritated the frogs skin and it will leave. works for my ornamental pond.
I think JT and I are more than capable of handling this. I'm actually qutite offended we haven't been called yet. To Hell with relocating we'll just grill the bastard. Case of beer and we're even.......not sure I've met your wife yet.....will she let our kind on the property ?

woowee, he's roundin' up a posse:gitrdun:
I think JT and I are more than capable of handling this. I'm actually qutite offended we haven't been called yet. To Hell with relocating we'll just grill the bastard. Case of beer and we're even.......not sure I've met your wife yet.....will she let our kind on the property ?
Or this! Bird shot will do!
None of y'all ever been frog giggin' before? Maybe it's just a Florida thing.

Long cane pole with gig fork on the end. Spotlight him and reach out real slow then stick 'em quick.

Cut off the legs, peel the skin back and fry 'em up like chicken. Yum!

Yup used to do it in the airboat all the time. I still have my 12 foot collapsable fiberglass gig with SS 4pin head and 12v halogen lamp. I miss having them in the skillet
My wife had a good idea about using a throw net like you use to catch bait fish or shrimp at the coast. My father has two of them, but is out of town for a few days.
Or just get miss piggy to come by for a visit!!
All these ideas are great but the simplest way might be best, just tell a neigborhood kid about the enormous Bullfrog and let him catch it for you.
I think JT and I are more than capable of handling this. I'm actually qutite offended we haven't been called yet. To Hell with relocating we'll just grill the bastard. Case of beer and we're even.......not sure I've met your wife yet.....will she let our kind on the property ?

DK's wife is real, I have seen her. Our kind not being allowed there... Real too. DK throwing in the towel... Coming soon...
We have frogs in the pond behind the house and I love to sleep with the windows open this time of year just to hear them...relaxes me them and the crickets, but im a weird critter.

Good luck.

If you really want him gone,sit near the pool with a beer and a pellet gun, it'll take a while for him to come out but once you are still he will get more comfortable.

or you could treat him like A deer. Buy a game camera nd some frog food, photo him for three moon cycles to determine a pattern. Then buy 200 worth of special clothing and wash it in $60 special detergent, next get up before dawn and climb a telephone pole with a much oversized weapon...for a frog a 12 gauge should suffice, sit there for hours. If you manage to kill him then pay hundreds to have him mounted and laugh with your friends about all the "rich folks" playing golf while you enjoyed a simple hobby.

Wife managed to get a picture of him with the zoom lens.
All these ideas are great but the simplest way might be best, just tell a neigborhood kid about the enormous Bullfrog and let him catch it for you.

this. Offer neighborhood kid $20 and a ride in your cool offroad truck and it will magically be fixed.
Holy cow that's a big frog!! I bet if you throw about 4 or 5 pounds of shock in that pool he will blow this popsicle stand!

In all seriousness I'd just do this, it will take care of not only the bullfrog but a lot of other problems.

Then again - shouldn't that be your landlord's job?
In my best Steve Irwin impersonation................................. " Crickey's just a baby.......... cute little booger" :lol:
That frog is big enough to go fly fishing with... Hide behind the fence put the fly rod in action.Maybe he'll try to snag it with his big ol tongue, then you can hook him.
if you can use a zoom lens you can use a scope!! i could probly get pretty close to poppin him with my slingshot, now that would be hours of fun right there!!

scared to death!!!!!