I know this post will suck because I, as the OP, won't even post a pic of my handwriting. I'm 59 so I write in cursive, or something, in my notes. I had drafting classes so I write in legible script at times, and I draw old school landscape drawings and I can write very artistically to communicate with the customer in those. A thought just crossed my mind that I needed to do tomorrow so I wrote a note on the pad by my keyboard and I noticed how wonderful and legible it was! I usually scribble and can't read my own crap! lol I was diagnosed with some crap in 3rd grade where they thought that I think faster than I can write so I am several words ahead of my fingers. I don't know, maybe I should have been a doctor and I would have an excuse! lol
What's your excuse for bad handwriting?
What's your excuse for bad handwriting?