how much sleep do you get at nite?


Hasnt Seen Dirt in Years
Dec 30, 2005
Winston Salem
Just wondering.

I get between 6-8 hrs

Im 25-30 yrs old.

how about the rest of you.
4 is normal on work days, more when off, but in 2-3 hour increments
last time I saw 8 hours was a rainy Saturday night in Mnt City two years ago. I was in my Van camping

I am plenty nine(47)
Im 25-30 yrs old.

how can you be 25-30 yrs old? did you lose your birth certificate?

I get between 4-6 hrs and I am between 1-60 yrs old.......:beer: :rolleyes:
5-6 most nights. Function fine off 4, but not regularly. Sometimes I'll get 8 on Saturdays, but any more and I've got a headache. I might take a short nap a couple of times a year. I'm 32. Sleep schedule is 12-1:00 till 6:00.
4-6 usualy, Drove truck west coast solo at age18, over 6,000 miles a week for a lotta years gets you in a habit that I still can't break and still can't be late for anything! age 55
Normally about 5-6. Try to hit the sack by 10pm since I get up at 4am. I'm 27. I get about 7-8 on on Friday night if I don't have to work Saturday and always get 7-8 on Saturday night. I'm still up by 7am on Sat and Sun even if I don't have to work.
4-6 usually during the week, 8-12 on the weekends. Although thats going to change soon as my 5 week old will be home starting next week. I'm 26.
Sleep apnea, so I don't know how much real sleep I get. 38 years old
20 Years old.

6-7 hours mostly. I run on a lot less most of the time, between working, working other jobs, huntin, and working some more

In high school I was sleeping from 930 till 630, I felt better and it helped out with grades. Need to get back to sleeping.
Usually 4 sometimes 5, kids not wanting to go to sleep or let you eat supper makes for long nights, most time I'm in bed around 12:30 to 1:30 then up around 5 am to get the kids ready for school. I'm 34