how much sleep do you get at nite?

I'm 38 and I sleep 4 hours at a time whether I need it or not for the last 4 years even on the weekend. At my job I work Different or multiple hours a day to help cover 3 shifts and trouble shoot production and product problems. It works out pretty good for me when ever I wake up I just go to work and if its a weekend I go work in my building.
I get 5-6 hours.......damn NC4x4 and Pirate
5-6.5 hours Sunday night through Thursday night...I usually go bed between 12am and 1am.

Friday and Saturday night (Sunday morning anywhere from 8 to 12 hours sleep).

30 years old.
During the week around 6 hours, on the weekends between 3-5 depending on what needed done.
It all depends.
Normal night...8 hours of sleep
Frisky w/ the wifey...7hrs and 56 mins. of sleep:lol:

and the best 4 mins of sleep she gets too
5ish, I'm 29

I wake up with pains normally from my arthritis in my knees. So its not a solid sleep.
I am 35 and I get 8-9 hrs with usually about a total of an 1hr or 1.5hr loss in the middle somewhere do to having a 2 year old and a 8 day old baby :)

I usually try to go to bed around 10 or 10:30pm
Jeff do you have CPAP machine?
And congrats porchfab

I am working on getting one. Sucks to be tired all the time and never dream.
I use to get 6-7 when I was single. The wife requires more, so now I get about 7-8. Same amount on the w/e.

36 yrs old.
I get 7-8 seven days a week on average. 40 yrs old
When the girls were young, I'd get 2-3, up for 1, then 2-3, repeat. I am now making up for that lost sleep :flipoff2:
I'm getting right at 7-8 but more is better.

Try to be in bed before 11:00 and getting up around 6:00.

Hour or two more on the weekends

I'm 26.

These days i get all my interwebing done during the day so I don't have to look at the computer when I get home.
I get about 7 a night during the week. Bed at 12 and up at 7 to get the kids ready and off to school/grandmas. on the weekends, maybe an extra hour or 2. But the whole family still takes a Sunday after Church nap for about 2 hours.
I'm 35.
between 3 and 6 on a 24/7 basis, and with a little one on the way its gonna be alot less... and im 21