^^^This...all of it. Nothing against working at WalMart...it's honest work, but I doubt the kid will have to worry about this being 'exposed' on ESPN or CNN. Truth be told, for the level of jobs he'll do in the foreseeable future, even if a company runs background checks or dives into their social media profiles, they won't care. Half of one of my departments is made up of 'down on their luck' single moms that's had their mug shot on tv before. They do their job, do it well, aren't a distraction at work, and I wasn't exactly looking for a community pillar when they were hired. At this age, kids are stupid, every single one of us have done or said similar, we just didn't have the capability of reaching the entire planet when we did it. There are actual classes and seminars now on how to deal with exactly this scenario...what should bosses do when they find inappropriate employee/potential hire social media content. That wasn't even a thought 10 years ago, now it's normalized. Every now and again me and a buddy will screen shot and send some of the shit we posted on FB 8-9 years ago and wager if those posts will be found if we ever run for local government. Kids are stupid, this isn't a new concept...the internet exacerbating the reach of their stupidity, however, is.