Hunters, I need a little Help IDing this

Looks fecal matter from the rectum of an animal with a high fiber diet. Most likley a Wampus Cat being the area from which the said incedent occured. That would be my best educated guess. Other than that it is a Pile O' Chit.
The wife is putting her money on a Ground Hog. If its a ground hog then its a biggin. What ever it is its in the area our garden was planted. Deer hit the garden pretty hard in the spring, I saw a lot of tracks from them, Could this be Deer poo? Does look like it to me, But maybe it not eating right. :lol:
The wife is putting her money on a Ground Hog. If its a ground hog then its a biggin. What ever it is its in the area our garden was planted. Deer hit the garden pretty hard in the spring, I saw a lot of tracks from them, Could this be Deer poo? Does look like it to me, But maybe it not eating right. :lol:

garden eh? and we're back to the bum theory. if i were a bum i would raid gardens.
most black bears are already hibernating at this point (they begin usually early October), so I doubt its that.
Seen huge black bear 8 miles from the field at fall crawl last week was going up the mtn a cop spot lighted it when i was passing by but not little for sure...