i hate facebook and girls


Joined the Band
Feb 22, 2008
Chapel Hill / Wilmington
sorry but i needed somewhere to vent and nobody is awake right now. just found out through facebook that my on-again off-again gf of the past few years is now in a relationship with her "best friend that she always told me was gay and not to worry about it"

and how do i find out? by noticing that as of a few days ago she was listed as "in a relationship" WTF BITCH she said the only reason we weren't together currently is because of the distance while we're at school, but not bc she didn't like me. And also, whenever we dated and whatnot she never put the in a relationship status up bc she claimed that it was like bad luck for her...whatever i believed it and didnt let it bother me too much. i know this sounds highschoolish but whatever, it made a difference. She didn't have the guts to tell me, and we've already made plans to go to greensboro together driday night to our friends birthday party and spend the night together. i'm not gonna do that bc if something happens btw us i'll feel like a complete piece of shit....i would never do anything with a girl in a relationship...not fair to the guy...i wouldn't want anyone to do that to me so im not gonna do it.
she was the love of my life, i've never felt like this about anyone else before (and yes there have been plenty) and i kinda almost could see us going the distance.... guess i was wrong
so i'm just pissed off and hurt and figured that venting to a lot of people i don't know would be ok. maybe get some outside perspectives from people that know nothing about me

mods if you feel like this needs deleted go for it i just had nowhere else to turn other than the fridge and needed to vent somewhere...and now i'm almost out of beer too :(
hmm...i say what the hell, go for it. the other lad is gay anyway right?

Besides, sounds like she just uses you for a booty call, which aint a bad thing. all the benefits, non of the headache!
Dude you know in today's College life its not an official relationship until it is on facebook ;)

Maybe if you didn't live in the gayest town ever you wouldn't be havin these problems :flipoff2: LOL, just messin with ya man, I'm an NC State Senior so Chapel Hill is automatically gonna be classified as the root of all your problems and shortcomings :lol:

Oh and one more piece of advice, Trucks and 4x4's in general cost probably as much if not more than girlfriends but they'll never leave, complain, or care about your "other" trucks :driver:
What has the world come to when myspace and facebook are the "official" beginning and end of relationships...

It actually makes things a lot easier, takes out alot of the guesswork as to weather or not someone already has a significant other.

I don't really know anyone that uses myspace thou, its gotten ridiculous with all the crap people put on there profiles, and the constant spam, everyone I know uses facebook for the most part.
It actually makes things a lot easier, takes out alot of the guesswork as to weather or not someone already has a significant other.
Guesswork? Seriously? What ever happened to just asking? Besides, even if they to have a SO, it could turn out that they like you better anyways.

I'm glad I'm not at "that age". Obviously, I'd never get a date the old fashioned way.:rolleyes:
Dude you know in today's College life its not an official relationship until it is on facebook ;)
Maybe if you didn't live in the gayest town ever you wouldn't be havin these problems :flipoff2: LOL, just messin with ya man, I'm an NC State Senior so Chapel Hill is automatically gonna be classified as the root of all your problems and shortcomings :lol:
Oh and one more piece of advice, Trucks and 4x4's in general cost probably as much if not more than girlfriends but they'll never leave, complain, or care about your "other" trucks :driver:

well i don't actually go to chapel hill....born and raised there but now i go to uncw.

And yeh, cars and 4x4s won't leave you, so true.
But thinking on the plus side, i should get a lot of work done in the garage this week since i probably won't be spending much time with her. maybe now i'll get my dirtbike engine finally rebuilt and the electric fan setup on the cherokee done.

and it is kinda funny how facebook makes things much more clear these days.
but myspace is gay
your hand, her hair, your schlong, her butt. end.
Guesswork? Seriously? What ever happened to just asking? Besides, even if they to have a SO, it could turn out that they like you better anyways.

Well, guesswork about the SO among other things, Going after someone else's girlfriend is F*d up thou IMO, unless you know for sure there an arsehole or something

well i don't actually go to chapel hill....born and raised there but now i go to uncw.

Yea man just messin with ya, Ya'll told us in Basketball anyway :shaking:
Never take any relationship seriously until your at least 25, period. Everything should be viewed as fun unitl then. See Rich's statement for clarification.
Dude.....You live in Chapel Hill or Wilmington where ever. There are plenty more around. Nothing helps you get over the last one.....like the next one!
Know how I know you're gay?

You live your life on facebook :shaking:

I agree with Woody and nothing can be taken seriously until after 25. So you weren't there to deliver the meat and she picked some metro to do the job. Who gives a shit? Her loss, move on. The best advice is to quit trying to use facebook to keep up with relationships. Hell, that might have been your problem. Too much time clickty clickty, not enough time stickity stickity.
Man I hate to be insincere, but WWWAAAAAA :shaking:

Obviously she ain't worth it, therefore she = not the love of your life. Go crack open a cold one, and find something to wrench on... even if it's the girl next door. You'll get over it and realize what a waste of time she was, unless she was good in the sack then the time isn't wasted, but you'll still be over her. :lol:
yup, as stated b4... nothin in college can be taken seriously... I say act like everything is normal, get some from her b4 you goto the party... then when you get there, find the hottest one and leave your ex...
The faster you get over it the easier it gets

Hell if that means get someone new ASAP even for a fawk buddy it is better then moaning for 2 weeks...
I would nail it one last time to and then be a complete ass to her afterwords. Then ask her if they "gay guy" can do it like that.
If she was the "love of your life" why was she an on again off again girlfriend? I hate that phrase anyway, either decide you are going to stay together or send them on their merry way.

Facebook is a teeny bopper site anyway. Time to grow out of your teens. :flipoff2:

PurpleTJchick is nearby if you are lonesome. ;)

Sorry Lauren, couldn't resist! :lol: