Yes. I came home today early to meet the vet and my wife . We sat on the floor and just talked and petted him for about 30 min. There vet was awesome, did not rush us and was very professional. I was crying, as was the wife. The only calm people were the vet and her assistant. It was very comforting and at that moment I realized how people must look at me as a first responder, in my worst day there was someone strong to help me through. Knowing it had to be done and having an appointment has been gut wrenching for the past 2 days, and seeing this post started on May 31 made me realize how long I knew it was coming. I dug his grave last night, sat on the edge and cried. I slept on the couch next to him last night and cried. At work today, I cried some more. I didn't realize how much I loved that dumb dog as I sit here and shed some more tears. I buried him in the front yard and planted a D-O-G-wood tree for a marker. RIP buddy.