Looks like the Problem ares I deal with. I see a combination of things, > too much shade, too many trees, & Dry. Very hard to grow grass in the shade, even part shade, & I haven't had Any luck with "Shade grass seed"! Trees, Suck the nutrients & water from the ground. So you have to continue to fertilize & water. About the only thing I haven't tried, is Zoysia grass. Don't know if that would help. This evening, I just re-planted about 3000 sq ft, that got washed away in July Storms. I put down Smart seed & starter fertilizer for a 5000 area. Soil was loose, & after my application, & spent an hour spiking it with a star wheel aerator. Tomorrow I'll cover with straw & start watering. Up til now, about the only thing that grows there is some type ground cover. I've had grass grow before, but it seemed to live on fertilizer. Once that gave out, the grass was gone.