In memory of SSgt Daniel Zerbe - memorial build

Great to hear, thanks for the update Greg!
new donor to the list

The outstanding group of guys in the Carolina Trailblazers have made a cash donation of $300.00 to help complete the project.

Thanks for everybodys support!
new donor to the list
The outstanding group of guys in the Carolina Trailblazers have made a cash donation of $300.00 to help complete the project.
Thanks for everybodys support!

Greg you have supported us for a long time. Glad the club could give back.
OK fellas, the next Dan Zerbe Uwharrie trip will be at the beginning of next season. A new post will be started under "2nd Annual Dan Zerbe Ride". I'll be heading it up and hopefully we can get a better showing than last year which was and awesome 20+ vehicles, not limited to Jeeps. So bring what you brung and we'll have a great time. Donations will go toward the Wounded Warrior Foundation. Thanks.
